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June 2023 Member Meeting

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June 2023 Member Meeting

Meeting Location: ARTclectic Art Gallery

Event Summary

Jun 7, 2023
10:00 am
Meeting Location
ARTclectic Art Gallery
Paul Kasmir
Paul Kasmir

Paul Kasmir will do an art demonstration!

Our June member meeting will feature an Artist Demonstration by Paul Kasmir! 

His art is largely self-taught and thrives on his whimsical imagination and emotions that inspire him to experiment with varied colors, tools, and media. He is rarely seen without his sketchbook in hand where his imagination awaits further exploration. Paul's sincerest hope is that his artwork enriches others' lives, lifts moods, and spurs creativity and healing.

After the art demonstration, we will be rolling out our new GCWS website and discussing our upcoming Annual Show!

GCWS member meetings consist of a time to socialize before an artist demonstration or educational program, followed by a brief business meeting.


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