Tom Schroeder introduced guest speaker, Dan Knepper, from Amhurst, Ohio.

Dan was an art teacher for many years. He quit to become a full time artist. Dan demonstrated his techniques on portrait painting.

Dan projects images to his Arches #120 paper. Warning: parallax effects can distort your image, especially when camera lens was not at same level.
- Begin with eyes. If the eyes are wrong, why continue? Vary colors with each line painted. Using one color can have the line seem flat. Dan used green, gold, yellow & pink to line the eyes.
- Most of his painting is brushing onto dry paper. He may use 40+ layers on paintings. Use transparent colors, building to the final color. Dan does not use earth tones, thereby avoiding muddy paints.
- Dan encouraged the use of Photo Shop or other software: use black & white images to determine values, use extreme color enhancements to see variety of colors more clearly.
- Push vibrancy in colors, beyond reality. You can always tone it down later.
- Generally, in watercolor painting you paint from light to dark tones. With oil and acrylic painting, paint dark to light

Below are a few of Dan's paintings:
Below is a portrait in progress:
Below are photos of Dan's demonstration painting - from the photograph to completed painting.

Submitted by Kathy Lang
Photos by Jane Hittinger and Tom Schroeder