David Neil Mack was introduced by Tom Schroeder.
David chose to lecture our group on both the philosophy of an art career and the business of art. His career saw many challenges and essentially spoke of the fact that one must be true to oneself.
He spoke of his many muses, both parents, a neighbor, and a special art teacher, all who helped him become the artist he is today.
Along with his wife, Andrea, b his side, he developed his own techniques to loosen up and then later to control his paintings more. His work includes transparent as well as opaque colors, soft and hard edges. His variety of subjects and techniques left many of us astounded at his talent. In the business of art, he said if we knew what would appeal to the masses, sales would skyrocket. We must expect rejection and relax. Tension will show up in your brushstrokes.
"Push the paint brush away and free the paint."
David answered questions afterward.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Fleischmann