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Apr 4, 2018

Yuki Hall: ‘Paint More with Less’
Four stages of Planning ahead: the building blocks
1.      Shapes – simplify subject matter into a few major shapes. If none, create shapes with ‘value massing’ (Notan Study). In most landscapes, there are 3 major shapes; sky, earth (water or land) and everything that stands on earth.

  1. Tonal Values – assign tonal value to each shape to create a readable tonal value pattern. (use a thumbnail sketch or doing monochromatic painting). Pattern created should be interesting, well balanced and pleasing to eyes (Not a black & white version of reference) Establish a sense of depth in the picture plane.
  2. Edge Quality – 4 types: hard edge, soft edge, lost & found, broken edge. The key is to understand the moisture content of paper and paintbrush, also timing of when to paint. Use edge quality to create a sense of depth and to connect shapes.
  3. Color – Use your personal color (what speaks to you). Use a limited palette to achieve color harmony (6-8 colors). Use color temperature to inject the mood and also create a sense of depth.
    Paint loose but plan tightly
    Block out unwanted items from your photo reference material (used cerulean blue)
    Use a mop brush for large areas: start sky with light (at top) to dark values as you work towards the horizon. 

Repeat at horizon with light at water line to dark values as you reach the bottom of the page (foreground).           
Sky used – cobalt, cerulean, brown madder – soft edged wash. 
Add magenta at horizon edge 

Water used – turquoise, cobalt. 
Add darker spot of paint for the waves over wet painted water. 

Next add rooftops and windows of buildings, darkening colors for shoreline – connecting the shapes.    

Combine cobalt, cobalt turquoise, raw sienna & raw umber to get green for trees.           
To get a good grey: Combine cobalt, burnt sienna, allizaron crimson & brown madder (Add French Ultramarine for a darker gray)

Notes supplied by Kathy Lang
Photos by Deb Ward

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