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Sep 11, 2014

Our President, Marilyn Bishop, called a very well-attended meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.  We even had to get out a few more chairs!  Our guests were introduced and welcomed   – Ramonde’s friend, Mary Berkmeyer, who went on the Bus Trip with us; Carol’s guest, Nancy, and Pat Lester – who says she is a “wanna be” artist, friend of Mary Ellen.

Sally Wester, Treasurer, gave her report.  We do have a reasonable amount of money in our Treasury.  Sally announced a bargain – for the rest of this calendar year, dues are $25.

Program Chair Joan O’Leary has agreed to stay on in her position for two years.  Thank you very much, Joan! 

It was mentioned that there are “Information Forms” available to anyone who has some Announcement or Information that they would like to share with the members, or to be put into the Minutes, and into the Blog.  If members fill them out and hand them in to me, it is much more likely that my writeup will be more accurate.   Thanks!  If I don’t have the forms set out on the back table, please ask me for one.

Our Annual Exhibit/Show was the next subject on the agenda.  Carol McAfee spearheaded this Event, and received a great deal of help from many members to make it a great success!  Everyone agreed that it was one of our best, well-attended Shows (about 275 patrons).  A number of paintings and prints were sold:  a few paintings were commissioned.  There were even three people who came on the last day, the pick-up day, to see the great work.  Carol thanked all the artists who submitted their paintings and all who volunteered for the event.

Deb Ward gave an accounting of Membership.  We now have 82 members.  Deb will mail out the Membership booklets shortly.   It was suggested that we could produce our Membership information electronically so that it could be added to, or changed, more easily.  That will certainly be taken under consideration, but it was also mentioned that we do have a fair number of members who still need, or want, a paper copy to easily pick up and use.  Deb will ask the six winners of the Annual Show to agree to be Featured Artists.  So, in the near future, look for articles, and samples of their work on the Blog!

A new DVD has been purchased for the GCWS Library – Color Power.  The lesson is about painting a street scene.  If you would like to borrow it, or another of our DVDs, please be sure to see Joan Ammerman, who is our new Librarian, to sign out the DVD in the “Book”.

Deb Ward is giving a Workshop at our regular meeting place (Cincinnati Art Club building), Saturday and Sunday,  October 25/26 – “Painting Silver & Lace”.  If you would like to attend this two-day workshop, please contact Deb (more information on the sidebar).
Mariemont Annual Art Festival was Sun. 9/7 – they were setting it up when my family and I came out of the National Exemplar from Breakfast.  It was right in the middle of the divider – lots and lots of tents – looked interesting!
Middletown also had an Art Festival on 9/7.
There was a show in Springfield at the Senior Center the weekend of 9/6-7.
Mariemont Kiwanis Art Festival – Saturday, 9/13; 11:00-9:00; Outdoor; info, Judith Reed.
Queen City Art Club – thru 9/14 at Kenwood Star Retirement Center; Kenwood Rd; 60 paintings.  Info; Judith Reed.
A Leadership Team meeting was held after the regular meeting.

Submitted by Joyce Grothaus, Secretary, GCWS, September, 2014.

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