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Oct 15, 2015

Many of you were already aware that our President, Marilyn Bishop, recently had a bad fall, had knee surgery, and was not able to come to our meeting today.  Sally Wester, Treasurer, graciously agreed to fill in for Marilyn to lead the business part of the day.  It was also announced that Rhonda Carpenter also had a fall, and while no surgery, has to take it easy for awhile.

Sally introduced our two new members, Shirley Cooper, from Batavia, who loves watercolor and is looking forward to learning all she can, and Cindy Maxson.  We also had three guests:  Elizabeth Clark, who just started painting w/c, and found us online;  Rosemary Leicht and Joan Keuney, Union Township, who want to expand their horizons.   Jacqueline Sullivan, who came to the meeting today to help our Presenter, is herself a teacher of acrylics.  Welcome to all!

Sally also gave the Treasurer’s Report – we have adequate money in our account to handle our needs.  If anyone wants more specifics, please contact Sally.

Announcements:  Jacqueline told us about a workshop that Trish McKinney is giving in her studio in Tipp City, OH, on Oct. 22, 23, 24.  It is titled “Experimental Watercolor”.  It will encompass w/c and acrylic, and pouring.  Info:
It was announced that our Annual Exhibit will be at the “Barn” again next year; this time in June  (1–21).  Judith Reed will be the Chair of this event.
Deb Ward currently has paintings featured at the Indianapolis Museum of Art for the Watercolor Society of Indiana show there (through the end of November) and also at the Carmel Gallery of the Hoosier Salon in Carmel, IN (through the end of October).

It is time for a new slate of Officers on the GCWS Leadership Team.  Small blue cards were passed out to attending members, with space to write in member names that you would like to nominate for the various offices.  You may nominate yourself, or another member.  If you were not at the meeting, and wish to nominate someone, you are certainly very welcome to do so.  Please mail, or email, or call in your nominations to Marilyn, Sally, or Joyce BEFORE Halloween (Oct 31), as Nov. 4 is the day we will all be voting for the Leadership Team.

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Claudia Taylor, as Acting Program Chair for today, announced that the Presenter for November will be Barb Smucker.  The title of her program is “Layers of Love”, about abstract painting, and she will give a free mini Workshop after the meeting.  If you intend to stay for the w/s, please bring your own regular supplies, i.e., brushes, paints, water container, etc.  She would also like you to bring a piece of Hot Press Paper, and w/c pencils or pens.  We will be ordering pizza for lunch.  If you would prefer something else, you are welcome to bring your own.

There is a wonderful opportunity for us to attend the Ohio Watercolor Society Show this year.  It is being held at the Middletown Art Center.  Our GCWS has four members who have had their paintings accepted into the show.  Fabulous!  If you are interested in going, it might be good to call the MAC to check just when they are open (we believe they are not open on Fri, or Sat.)  On Sunday, the 18th from 2-4, they have a Trish McKinney workshop.

Our Presenter for this meeting was Trish McKinney.

Submitted by Joyce Grothaus, GCWS Secretary, October, 2015

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