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Oct 12, 2016

President Kathy Lang called the meeting to order. A new member was introduced - Robert (Bob) Thornburgh. Bob is new to the area and found us on our Blog. He used to paint and teach; has not been doing much of that lately, but is very interested in becoming involved again in the Art world. We were able to see a bit of Bob’s talent during the Program part of the meeting, and it is considerable.

There were a few people who stayed after the meeting for Open Studio. Everyone is invited to participate in this activity each month.

Announcements: Judy Reed — Queen City Art Club has an Exhibit at the Sharonville Fine Arts Center, on Reading Road, with Opening Reception on Sat., Oct. 8, and continues through October 29. Judy and Dot Burdin have paintings in the exhibit. Jo Hogan told of an Exhibit in Finneytown at the Centennial Barn on Nov. 11 and 12. Nancy Wisely - The Women’s Art Club Exhibit at the Barn, Mariemont on Friday, Oct 8.  Deb told us Carolyn Hibbard is to have a heart operation. We wish her the very best.

Awards - Tom Schroeder has been accepted into Viewpoint 48. Congratulations, Tom! His painting is entitled “Vermont Stream”. This Exhibit runs from Oct. 20-Nov 10. In the Ohio Watercolor Society Show, Tom’s painting titled “Where’s Your Child?” won the F&W Publications/OWS Choice Award.

Workshop News - Dianna Duncan has been hard at work helping attendees be ready for the October Workshop with Guy Magellanes, who is flying in from the West Coast. She held a mini workshop to help us prepare our canvas. All members who are coming to the Workshop need to have their canvas ready before the Workshop starts. Flyers were given out to those who will do their prep work at home.

Carol Fencl, Treasurer, sent word that we have sufficient money in our Treasury.

The Leadership Team will have a meeting after today’s Program in order to discuss the Budget for next year and the Team for next year. Kathy asked all members to consider running for an office - particularly, Secretary, as Joyce Grothaus - Secretary for three years, will step down next year. GCWS will also need some members to step up and take Leadership roles for specific Activities and Programs. We will also need people to “help” the Leaders. If everyone does “something”, someone will not have to do “everything”.

Submitted by Joyce Grothaus, GCWS Secretary

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