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Oct 11, 2013

Since our secretary was absent at our October meeting, your trusty President is attempting to make note of the meeting minutes.

Following the greeting – which was quite robust! – a quote by John Singer Sargent was read:  “Start with a broom and end with a needle”.  This quote was proven at our program which followed!

We asked for the remainder of the Fran Mangino workshop checks before the end of the meeting.  Those present who still needed to pay did so before they left, and we thank them.  It was also noted that due to two cancellations, we have room for two more in the workshop.  If you are interested in attending the workshop, please contact Deb Ward.

Nominations were passed around again.  Deb will call those nominated during October and we will have a vote in November for the new Leadership Team members.

A reminder that the Evergreen show will hang through October 27 - you may pick up your paintings either Sunday, October 27, immediately following the show closing (4 p.m.) or Monday, October 28, from 10 – noon.  (If you are unable to pick up your painting – please check your membership book to locate someone in your area who may be able to pick up your painting for you.)

We discussed the December meeting which will be an “ARTY PARTY” consisting of a luncheon, member art sale, Mary Marxen art sale and open paint for those who wish to participate.  We hope to have a good turn out.  And remember – the funds from any items purchased from Mary’s art supplies will go toward our Young Artist Award fund.

Nancy Pennington had two framed paintings for “show and tell”.  She wanted these paintings shown because she had painted them during our “open Paint” following our meetings and wanted to let people know how important these painting sessions can be.

Following our Treasurer’s report, we had four visitors stand and introduce themselves.  Subsequently we have two new members!

Deb let everyone know that Carolyn Hibbard received the Cheap Joe Award at the Ohio Watercolor Society show in Oberlin, Ohio.  (More information about Carolyn’s accomplishments are on the blog sidebar).

Deb Ward received her Active/Signature membership in the Ohio Watercolor Society at the September annual meeting.

Janet Vennemeyer announced the Woman’s Art Club will have their “All Member Show” opening Sunday, October 13 with a reception from 1-4 at the Barn iat 6980 Cambridge Avenue in Mariemont.  (More information can be found on the blog sidebar).

Additional notes following our meeting:
We seem to have a core group who stay to paint after meetings, and following today’s meeting we had a total of 12 members who stayed!  This group discussed critiques and “show and tell”.  Following our discussion, I have made an “executive decision”!

I encourage members to bring in paintings for critique.
However, I also feel that "show and tell" paintings can be allowed in order to get better participation in our critique session. 
Members will be allowed to bring a framed painting for "show and tell".  Hopefully this painting will be
(1) one which had previously been critiqued by the group - in order to show how a painting has been changed per the suggestions made at the critique session; or
(2) created based on one of our program presentations.
I hope that this will encourage all members to participate in the critique process – a valuable tool for any artist to improve the quality of their work.
(Submitted by Deb Ward)

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