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Oct 10, 2014

Many of us had to drive through the fog to get to the meeting today, but, once inside, all was sunshine.  Our President, Marilyn Bishop called the meeting to order.  Our two new members were introduced.  Lori Rich had painted in the past, and has now returned to doing so, taking lessons in Indiana.  She is looking forward to being part of the group and learning more.  Tom Schroeder is currently employed in downtown Cincinnati, in architectural work, and has been painting for 10-15 years.  We welcome both of these fine folks to our group.

Sally Wester, Treasurer, gave her report.  Our treasury is a bit lower than it had been, but we are still in good fiscal order.  If any member wants to see all the specifics, please contact Sally.

Membership report by Deb Ward - -  We now have 86 members.  Deb will be preparing a form with contact information about new members who join since the membership book was printed.  When we have added 5-6 new people, she will make copies of the form for members to insert into their membership book.
Deb asks us all to be active in encouraging artists that we know or meet, to become members of the GCWS.  Send people to the Blog, take brochures to Art Events; get the word out.

Workshop Coordinator, Dianna Duncan, gave a rousing “ad” for the GCWS Workshop which will be held May 29-31, 2015 at our regular meeting place.  The presenter will be Sue Archer, high ranking watercolor artist, and wonderful teacher.  There will be a limit of 20 people who can attend.  Members are given first priority, and if any spaces are open, then to friends, etc.  Besides the lesson, Sue gives each artist a 15-min individual consultation to help you improve your work.  Signup forms will be available at the Nov. and Dec. meetings, or you can reserve a space by sending a $100 deposit check to Dianna (made out to GCWS).  Dianna indicated that she will need some help to make the workshop a success.

Marilyn announced that we will have our GCWS Annual Exhibit next August at the “Barn” again.  Carole McAfee has agreed to chair this Exhibit again, and every member is asked to contribute some time or effort to this Event.  Information and details, in the Spring.

Joan Ammerman reminded us that we have Art DVDs available for sign-out at the Back Table.  Please keep them for just a month, and be sure to sign them back in when you return them.  We do own a Sue Archer DVD.

Announcements –
Marilyn Bishop – Event Name:  Gallery SALVEO
Edwards Rd, Rookwood Commons - Nov 5 – Jan. 9;   Reception,  Nov. 5  (or 6th –check with Marilyn).   Theme:  Places in the community that are served the Interact of Health Foundation.  She says there will be great food here also.
Dot Burdin - - Art Show, Sept. 5-6, Queen City Art Club – first weekend, Dec, - Essex Studios,  Wm Howard Taft; McMillan.
Deb Ward – W/C Society of Indiana;   PA International (see her blog on sidebar for more information)
Deb is offering a Workshop – Silver & Lace Objects – October 25-26, 10 – 4,  $125.  She will accept 20 students; only 8 spaces open now.
Janet Vennemeyer -  Women’s Art Club,  All-member Show at the Barn,  Oct 6, 3 – 6 p.m.

Program Coordinator, Joan O’Leary, gave us an overview of the coming attractions at the GCWS meetings.   In November, we are going to include all the members in the Program.   Everyone is asked to bring in a couple of your  “B+”  paintings – that is – an unframed painting that you have left unframed because you are not completely satisfied with it.  You know it has potential, but it’s not quite there yet, to make it an “A”.    Deb Ward will lead the Suggestions & Comments that may give it just that little “boost”; or offer you some possibilities about how you can improve it, or be more satisfied with it.  The names of the members who bring in a painting will be put into the “hopper”, for a chance to win a gift certificate to Plaza Art. 

Our December meeting will be led by our President, Marilyn.  We will have a Tag Sale – that is – members may bring in used Art Books, unneeded art supplies, or items that you have painted, such as note cards, book marks, etc. that you would like to sell.   There may be games, and everyone is asked to bring a “dish” – which will therefore make this a “Party”.  J

We will have no meeting in Jan. or Feb. since we usually have such bad weather then.   In March, there will be a Mystery Meeting.  Rhonda Carpenter is preparing something that “none of us has ever done before – and it is messy”.   Sounds like great fun!

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