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Nov 20, 2012

Minutes from November 7 Meeting:
Deb started the meeting with a quote: “ When things go bad in art, other people are innocent.” It’s something to remember when we are painting and things aren’t going quite right.

Christopher Leeper Workshop:
Christopher Leeper gave a great workshop last weekend.  He talked a lot about color, mixing colors and painting with a limited palette. The work shop was especially nice since it was in a familiar facility with people that we know. 

Deb did a show and tell of Janet Vennemeyer paintings from the work shop. The reason she did this was to show how much Janet learned at the workshop.  Her paintings from the workshop were totally different from the style she usually paints.

There will be pictures and information about the workshop on our blog and you can go to Deb’s blog to read about the workshop.

Future workshop:
At the February meeting you may put down a $50 deposit to add your name to the list for the next workshop in the spring.  If the list fills up Rhonda will have a waiting list. A lot of the people on the waiting list were able to get in the last workshop. It will be a first come, first serve for the sign up for the spring workshop.

Rhonda went over the financial part of the workshop. It ended up that the club covered a small amount for the workshop and the extra things that went with it.

December Meeting:
December meeting is a members only meeting with a luncheon and art project.  Everyone needs to bring some sort of  appetizer, salad or other dish for the luncheon. The craft project will be painting on glass.  We will all need to bring an old painting brush and a container for water.  All this information will be posted on the blog.

Treasurer Report:

Sally once again gave us a financial update. Since these minutes are posted on our blog I am not able to give you the dollar amount on our balance, income and expenses.

Diane Duncan and Lydia Rittinger were both guests that have now become members. Sandy Eppert from Indiana is also a guest today.

There is a Paul Sawyier watercolor exhibit at the NKU Steely Library until Dec. 7. Paul Sawyier was a watercolorist in the late1800’s and early 1900‘s.

After the meeting today anyone who is staying for the paint along will get pizza for lunch.

Susan Grogan announced that she is having an Open House in her home on Saturday and Sunday this weekend from  4 - 6:30 PM. If you come you can register to win an original watercolor by Susan . One of her original watercolors was picked by Springfield Township for a banner that will hang over Winton Rd.

There will be a Showcase of the Arts at the Barn on Dec. 1, from 10 AM to 4 PM and Dec. 2 from 12 PM - 4 PM.

Marilyn Bishop announced that the Essex Art Walk was Dec. 7 &8 from 6 - 10 PM.

Minutes by Kathy Kuyper.

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