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Nov 15, 2013

Meeting Minutes November 6:
Deb started the meeting with a quick meet and greet with the members sitting around us. Her quote for this meeting was “Art is the only way to run away without leaving home”.

She asked if anyone had tried the technique Barb Sailor demonstrated at the last meeting.  Deb also wanted to know if any members who had gone to the Fran Mangino workshop brought in their work for a show and tell today.

She announced that after the meeting today there would be a leadership meeting of the new and old officers.

Evergreen Show:
Sally Wester,  the show chairman, gave a brief report on the show. She thought the show went very well with the exception that one of Joan Miley’s paintings is missing. They plan on contacting Evergreen to see if they have found it. Shirley mentioned that a lot of members picked up their work before anyone was there to check them out. They decided that the pickup process needs to be improved. Sally did say that the club broke even between the two shows this year. Carol Steuer sold one of her paintings at this show.

There were 17 out of 20 members who attended the Fran Mangino Workshop. The club came close to breaking even on the workshop.

Rhonda is organizing a Carol Carter workshop April 4 -6. It will be limited to 20 people. This workshop will cost a total of $200 with a deposit of a $100 on Jan 8.

Deb again stressed the importance of the blog for members and  for people outside of  the club.
Two of our new members, Claudia Taylor and Joan Gross, found out about us through the blog.

December Meeting:
The December will be a lunch, art sale, and an open painting.  The art sale will include members selling their extra supplies, books, frames, and etc. There will also be some of Mary Marxen supplies for sale. Deb will be passing around a sheet to sign up to bring food for the luncheon and for attendance at the December meeting. Coffee, water and soft drinks will be supplied by the club.

We have two guests today - Donna Edrington a friend of Judith Reed and Audrey Rood. Audrey is a member of the Cleveland and Florida Watercolor Societies.

Treasury Report:
Sally gave us a quick update on the club’s income and expenses for the month. Marilyn Bishop suggested that the scholarship fund not be included in the total club balance since it is a special fund.

 Deb won third place in the Georgia Watercolor Society Signature Show. She also has a painting in the Indiana Watercolor Society show in Indianapolis.

Deb announced new officers:

Marilyn Bishop - president
Sally Wester - treasurer
Joyce Grothaus - secretary
Deb Ward and Jane Hittinger - membership
Sally Wester - show chairman
Jean Vance - workshop director
Deb Ward - Blog

Deb said that no one wanted to take the job of Program Chairman.  Since the programs are a very important part of the club and our meetings she hopes with the help of the new leadership team we can find a solution to this  problem. She hopes that someone will volunteer to do the job of scheduling the programs.

The program today was by Tammy Muente, a curator from the Taft Museum, on Winslow Homer’s Adirondack Watercolors.

Homer Winslow did over 685 watercolors and 300 oils. He began his career in 1865 as an illustrator for the War and Soldiers Life for Harpers Weekly.  His first watercolor was painted in 1873 and it helped make  watercolors a serious art medium.

Through a power point presentation, Tammy showed us many of his works before the Adirondack period . Most of his paintings depicted people’s daily lives along with morality of life and death. He lived in several places that inspired many of the themes of his work. One example of this is the many pictures he painted in England of fisherman’s wives. He portrayed the physical and emotional strength of these women in very somber works.

His painting series were started with simple illustration, a lot of times working on location. Homer used  his travel guides as models in his works when doing the Adirondack series.  The Adirondack Series consisted of over a hundred paintings and was done late in his life. Homer died in 1910 and was considered one of the great American watercolorists.

Tammy gave a wonderful power point program on Homer Winslow that we all enjoyed.

Minutes by Kathy Kuyper

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