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Nov 5, 2016

President Kathy Lang called the meeting to order. With the beautiful November day, we had a good turnout of members. Kathy told us that today’s presenter had donated a small painting to the club so that we could sell raffle chances to increase our Treasury. As it turns out, somebody pulled out Kathy’s name as the winner of the painting. (We all think it was rigged!). :) :) :) There was a small number of people who indicated that they were staying after the meeting for Open Studio. All members are welcome to participate, and pizza is served for lunch.

A guest was welcomed - Myrna Twitty, who has been taking lessons at Baker Hunt. We hope that Myrna will join the group, loving watercolor like we do. Pat Deis-Gleeson who joined us for the Oct. workshop, has become a member. Welcome, Pat.

Carol Fencl, Treasurer, gave her report. In October, we spent more money than we took in, but does not include the money from the Workshop; our finances are sound.

Lydia Rittinger, Membership, said we have one new member, Pat, and one returning member, Howard Krauss.

Some of the folks that attended the GCWS Workshop gave glowing reports of the weekend, stating how much they had learned, and how much fun we had, - and how much we all ate! Dianna Duncan, Chair of this event, did a marvelous job, had everything well planned and well prepared, and contributed more than we know to the success of the Workshop. Guy Magellanes did a great job, giving good directions, and working hard to make sure he gave everyone personal help and attention. It was absolutely fascinating to see how different all the paintings turned out. He also sent a step-by-step instruction to workshop participants’ emails, through Drop-Box.

We will need a new Workshop Chair next year, as Dianna is stepping down. A huge Thank-You to Dianna for chairing this event for the last two years.

Remember to sign out and sign in any DVDs that you borrow from the club. All members are encouraged to try some of them; they’re very helpful.

Howard Krauss - will have paintings displayed at “Memories of Oxford”, on Dec. 9, at the Oxford Community Art Center, 10 S. College St., Oxford, OH 45056.
Judy Reed - Queen City Art Club is presenting w/c by Roger Ross at Saxby’s Coffee Montgomery. Reception Nov. 12, 2016; meet the artist; exhibit until Jan. 15, 2017. 9321 Montgomery Rd.
Diana Marra - Middletown Art Center; “The Orient - Expressed”; Meet Artist Nov 17, 6-8; Exhibit Nov. 17 - Jan. 19, 2017, Middletown, OH.

For December, we will have a small meeting, and a big Party! Each member is asked to bring your favorite hors d’ouvres or snack to share. We will have some games or activities, and a white elephant sale. See details in the Dec. postcard.

Submitted by Joyce Grothaus, GCWS Secretary, November 2016

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