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May 12, 2014

Greater Cincinnati Watercolor Society
May 7, 2014 Meeting/Program

What a special day for our group today!  After president Marilyn Bishop called us to order, Joan O’Leary, our Young Artist Award Chair, introduced the winners of the two $500 Young Artist Awards we are giving this year to students of the Cincinnati Art Academy.  

Blake Evans
Blake Evans

The winner of our own Mary Marxen Young Artist Award is Blake Evans.  Blake, coming from a construction background, is a “non-traditional” student, in that he was in the workforce for nine years before he decided to follow his dream of having a career creating Art.  He is now a freshman at the Art Academy, trying all kinds of hands-on Art, particularly drawing and painting.  He said he thinks he is a better student now than he would have been at 18, and he is truly happy in his endeavor.

Katlyn Wolary
Katlyn Wolary

The winner of our on-going traditional Young Artist Award is a traditional student, Katlyn Wolary, also a freshman at the Art Academy.  Katlyn is also a traditionalist in her love of the classics, and past masters.  She particularly likes figure work and painting in oils.  She is currently very interested in the works of Frank Duvenek, local artist from Covington, KY who has much work in the Greater Cincinnati area, and at the Art Museum.  Katlyn is from the Wilmington, OH area, and is very excited to be involved in the Greater Cincinnati artistic community, where she is receiving much encouragement in her desire to make a career in the Arts.

Blake and Katlyn were the stars of the party that followed with beautiful cakes and coffee.   They were very grateful for their scholarships that will enable them to purchase many needed items for their art studies.  Congratulations to them on their accomplishments!

Marilyn then introduced our newest member, Kathy Lang, and a guest, Jackie Simmons, from St. Leon, IN.   Deb Ward, membership, noted that we now have 75 members, and passed out flyers that we can use to give to prospective members.  Deb also passed out forms for becoming a Featured Artist.  We’d like everyone to take a turn being “featured”.

Sally Wester, Treasurer, gave her report.  We were able to make a little extra on the recent workshop, and our treasury is in good shape.

Good news!  Joan O’Leary has agreed to be our new Program Coordinator.  Thanks, Joan!  Of course, this means that we will need a new Young Artist Award Chair.  Think about it, please.

Rhonda Carpenter, current Program Chair, talked about our program for June – Carol Carter will come and bring a large number of her paintings to show, and she will talk about the life of a fulltime, working artist, and how to market your work.  Sounds interesting!

More good news!   Dianna Duncan has agreed to be the Workshop Coordinator for a Spring 2015 workshop.  Dianna explained that she felt called to do this, as she believes that members must step forward and take some responsibility to keep our club vibrant and worthwhile.

Carol McAfee, Annual Show Coordinator, has been working hard on preparing for our GCWS Show, which will be held in August, 2014, at the Women’s Art Club Cultural Center “The BARN”, in Mariemont.   
See  information about the show by clicking on our "Upcoming Program Information" page on the side bar.
All members will receive a Registration Form, with all information, in plenty of time to sign up.   Basic info that you need now:
GCWS 2014 Exhibit at the “Barn”, 6980 Cambridge Ave., Mariemont, OH
Pre-Registration Date:   August 1, 2014
Hanging Date:   August 13, 2014;       Take Down;   August 26, 2014
Reception Date:   August 17, 2014    1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
There will be first, second, and third prizes.  If you won last year, please exhibit, but someone else will have a chance to win this year.  If you sell, a 20% fee will be due to the Barn.

Joan Ammerman will be in charge of our Library, which now has three new DVDs purchased by Marilyn, from artists that she highly respects.  You may borrow these DVDs for one month, signing them out when you take them, and signing them in when you return them.  The new DVDs are   1)  Watercolor from Within, by Barbara Nechis,  2) Basic Perspective, by Gerald Brommer, and 3) Layers of Design in Watercolor, by Linda Baker.

Ardelle Duffy’s paintings were accepted into the “Splash” Show at the Kennedy Heights Art Center.   Show is from May 31-July 12;  Reception:  May 31, 6-9 p.m.  Congratulations to Ardelle!

Shirley Knollman won the “Purchase Award” at the McCullough-Hyde Hospital “Healing Arts”.  The event opened May 2, and will hang for one year.  After the show, Shirley’s painting will be placed in the hospital permanently.  Congratulations to Shirley!
Kristie Mooney told us she is moving back to Seattle.  Best of luck to Kristie.

Following the program we had time for critique and "show and tell." 

Howard Krauss' painting - done on location.
Howard Krauss' painting - done on location.

Submitted by Joyce Grothaus, Secretary
Photos by Deb Ward

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