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MINUTES - MAY , 2013

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MINUTES - MAY , 2013

May 18, 2013

Minutes May 1:
Deb started our May meeting by making a couple of announcements concerning the up coming show at the Barn. Registration forms for the show were on the back table at the meeting.  Shirley passed around a sheet for members to sign up to sit the show.

Joan O’Leary then introduced the young artist that will receive the Young Artist Award from the Club. Justin Toland is a freshman at the Art Academy.  He brought in samples of work that he had done for his drawing  and color theory classes. He is an amazing young artist and is extremely delighted to receive the scholarship money. We then took a short refreshment break before continuing the meeting.

Deb started the second half of the meeting by passing around the membership book so everyone there could check their information to verify that it was correct. She also asked for a show of hands of members that were staying for the open painting. She had extra paints, brushes and paper with her for those who wanted to stay but hadn’t brought supplies. There was also a tracing if someone needed an idea for painting. Deb hopes that members will start participating in these after meeting sessions and consider them as free lessons.  She would also like more members to bring in their work for the after program critiques.

The blog will now have an ad for membership, an application form, and a form for dues.

Marilyn Bishop suggested that we look into a service that would put out announcements to the members. She mentioned that Constant Comment does this for about $12. Deb said she would look into it since there has been so much trouble with members emails. Marilyn also stated that there still are about 6 or 7 DVD’s missing from our library. She is hoping members will check and make sure they have returned the DVD’s that they have borrowed.

Deb reminded everyone that the show at the Barn is juried for first, second, third, and honorable mention  prizes.

Art Local a 2 day show by the Springfield Township Arts and Enrichment Council is May 3 & 4.

Bethesda North show opens Tuesday May 7 from 6 -8. Rhonda  Carpenter and Larry Sparks both have pieces in the show.

The Rising Sun Art show is opening Friday May 3 from 6 - 9. Deb Ward has a painting in the show.

Marilyn Bishop has her work in the Wyoming Wine Shop. It starts on May 3 from  5 - 7.

Rhonda Carpenter announced that the Art After Dark Show at the Campbell County Library is July 26. Rhonda is in it along with Jo Hogan and Marlene Steele.

Check the blog for all of these shows.

Treasurer Report:
Sally went through the expenses and income for the club as usual. If you haven’t paid your dues see Sally after the meeting.

Sally then gave a report about the up coming show. The club helps subsidize some of the show expenses since the entrance fee does not cover it all. Entry fee is $10 for 1 and $15 for 2 paintings. A sheet was sent around again for refreshment sign up. She also said she needs some one to bring punch. Registration forms need to be in to Joyce Grothaus by May 17. Marilyn Bishop is the one in charge of publicity. There will be no postcards available this time since we missed a meeting in March when that needed to be done. Members need to remember that there is a 20% commission at this show which each individual will have to take care of themselves.

Our nxt program will be Carol Carter known as one of the foremost watercolorists in America.   She will bring samples of her work and discuss her paintings.
Minutes by Kathy Kuyper

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