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May 14, 2011

Minutes May 4, 2011

President Eileen Hulsman, returned from her surgery, called the meeting to order.

Treasurer’s Report
The Scholarship Fund now stands at $510.90.

Ardelle Duffy announced that there were 5 entries for our scholarship from area high school students. The winner, Emma Augitis is a student from Lakota High School. She will be presented the scholarship at our June meeting.

June GCWS Show June 4 - 19
Shirley Knollman brought us up to date on the plans for our show next month.
Location: Women’s Art Club Barn, 6980 Cambridge Ave, Mariemont, OH 45227
Rhonda Carpenter distributed the entry forms and people signed up if they had taken a form and didn’t need to receive on in the mail.
The Mariemont Barn will take a 20% commission from any painting that is sold there.
We will have 3 cash prizes and 3 honorable mentions. The judge is a curator at the Cincinnati Art Museum.
The show opening will be on Sat. June 4 from 5-8 p.m. A sign-up sheet to fill in a few more refreshments for that night was passed around.
All volunteers that are needed to sit the show have been recruited.
Postcards will be available at the May meeting, prepared by Eileen Hulsman.

June Meeting – June 1
Our meeting next month will be on June 1 at the Mariemont Art Barn. Members should bring in their artwork for the show that day, but they need to have already mailed Rhonda the titles so she can have the slips made out for each picture.
The show will be hung that afternoon, with the speaker’s workshop being held in a different room. Tom Bluemlein will be the presenter.

Reminder – new blog site is

There is a monthly Second Sunday Show at the Women’s Art Club Barn in Mariemont. Their new exhibit will be on May 15.
For other announcements, see our blog.

Upcoming speakers will be:
June – Tom Bluemlein - Seven Pearls of Painting (meeting at Mariemont Barn)
July – Ursula LaSorella Producing Art from our failures.
August – Cincinnati Art Museum (change from usual location)
Water colors in the collection – tour with docents. Will need a specific count of those planning
to attend to have adequate number of docents.
September – Mary Helen Wallace - How to make Paintings Sparkle.
October – Mike McGuire.

Ken Buck from the Art Academy presented the program – Animals in gouache. After the program there was a critique and then a workshop.

Carol Fencl, Communications Chair

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