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MINUTES - MAY 1, 2019

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MINUTES - MAY 1, 2019

May 21, 2019

President Pat Lester called the meeting of the Greater Cincinnati Watercolor Society to order at 10:00 on Wednesday, May 1st, 2019.  Pat announced that there will be open studio painting. Pat passed around a print out of member contact information and asked members to check for errors.  Art Show registration forms are now available and members are required to volunteer in order to show.


Awards, Shows, Etc:

  • Tom Schroeder - TWSA Award, Adirondack show; Tom juried the Central Ohio Watercolor Society Show
  • Chris Krupinski - TWSA, 2 awards at Watercolor USA, sold a painting at American Watercolor Society
  • Heidi Hansen and Carolyn Hibbard are in Women’s Art Club of Cincinnati show
  • Erika McCoy showing at Wyoming Art Show
  • Claudia Taylor in Evendale Art Show
  • Diana Marra - there is space on wait list for Under the Tuscan Sun trip to Italy
  • Art Connect of Springfield Township is looking for watercolor teachers.  Check to the email that is circulating.


Art Show news from Amy Earls (formerly Giglio): We need two ambassadors at the show each day.  Ambassadors will greet visitors and take payment via credit card.  Painting is encouraged during your shifts. We need ideas for a show judge.  Send to Amy or Pat.


Amy is looking for more images for Facebook and Instagram.  Email them to her at


Treasurer Connie Dettmer gave a treasurer’s report.


A reminder was made about the fall workshop, organized by Debbie Cannatella.  There are still spaces available for this opportunity. Dates are September 20th, 21st and 22nd with artist Chris Krupinski  teaching. Composition of a painting will be stressed.


Kathy Lang reported that many returning members have paid their dues.  If you have not, please do so at the next meeting.


Our June meeting is in the evening.  Bring hors d’oeuvres and finger foods to share beginning at 6 pm.  The program will start at 7 with David Neil Mack.


The fundraising position is still open. The group discussed ideas for raising funds.  Ideas include a raffle, selling cards, Art Garage Sale, silent auction, split the pot, raffle baskets, and raising membership dues by $5 or $10.


Tom Schroeder introduced our guest artist, Cody Heichel.  Cody is a self taught watercolor artist, based in Columbus (just relocated to Indianapolis).  Here is a link to his website


Erika McCoy

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