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Mar 20, 2012

Deb Ward our new president called the meeting to order. Her first order of business was letting everyone know how Eileen Hulsman was recovering. Unfortunately Eileen was recovering from the first surgery when she fell and another surgery was required. Eileen expressed to Deb how much she has appreciated all the cards and emails from the members during her recovery. Deb is sending another card around to be signed for Eileen. The club is also going to send her a gift certificate to an art store for all her years of service to the club.

The New leadership team was then introduced:

Deb Ward - president
Sally Wester - treasurer
Kathy Kuyper - secretary
Rhonda Carpenter - program chairman
Jane Hittinger - membership attendance
Deb ward - membership records and blog manager

Guest :

We had two guests attend the meeting this month: Steve Bromberg and Gwen. They are both students of Nancy Neville.

Treasury Report:

Alice Fossett updated us on the club’s current balance and expenditures. All income this month was from membership dues. There are still quite a few members that have not paid this year’s dues.


Joan O’Leary was not here so there was no Scholarship report .

Art Shows:

The first art show will be at Kennedy Heights Art Center the last week of July and the first week of August. There are no dates yet for the fall show that will be held at the Evergreen. Currently, we have no chairman for either of the shows. Deb warned the club that if there were no volunteers to do this then there will be no shows.
She went over what the job of the chairman of the show entails:
1. Making up registration forms to be filled out by the members entering the show.
2. Finding a place for the show.
3. Getting the paintings registered.
4. Hanging the paintings or organizing a group of people to hang them.
5. Getting sitters for the show.

Mary Moore volunteered to be Chairman of the Fall show at Evergreen. Joan Abdon and Kathy Lawrence volunteered to help her.

Programs and Workshops:

Deb said that she has heard from other people and groups that we have some of the best programs of any art club. We need to say thanks to our great program chairmen for doing such a good job.

Future programs, starting in July, will not include a workshop because of the added expense.

Membership Dues:

Membership fees were due this month. Members need to send their payment to Sally Wester or pay at the door next month. If you fail to pay you will not be permitted to attend the meeting. New membership books will be out after the dues are recorded.


Nancy Wisely will be the featured artist on the clubs blog. Deb is still looking for other members to be featured artists in the coming months.


Susan Grogan announced that she has a show this weekend at the Miami Township Civic Center.

Mary Moore said there was an Art Show in Batesville at Romweber Marketplace this Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Nancy Neville and her students have a showing of their work at the Barn in Mariemont. This show is going on until March 25. Nancy Wisely has some of her work in this show.

Howard Krauss said that the Oxford Community Art Center was looking for teachers.

(Minutes by Kathy Kuyper)

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