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MINUTES - JUNE 7, 2017

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MINUTES - JUNE 7, 2017

Jun 19, 2017

Greater Cincinnati Watercolor Society
Program Notes          
10:00 am June 7, 2017

In the absence of President Kathy Lang, the Secretary, Tom Schroeder called the meeting to order. 

We welcome visitors, Pam Zeller and Cathy Parkinson to the meeting.  They are students of Marilyn Bishop.  We also welcome Sukhwa Kahl to the club this month.

Yuki Hall has a workshop in Evendale from 10-4 on June 24th.  The cost of the workshop is $50.
The Plaza has workshops on Thursdays from 1-3.
We still need a Hospitality Chairman for the GCWS Show at the Barn.  If you can help, please contact Kathy Lang.

Fall Workshop Chairman, Pat Lester, reported that this year’s workshop will be held on Oct 27, 28 and 29.  She opened it up to the membership for input for topic of workshop that they would be interested in.  Make your requests known to Pat.

Annual Exhibit – We wanted to reiterate the details from the previous notes with updates:

Mary Fleischmann discussed details for our upcoming Club Exhibition:
·         This year the sitters will also be encouraged to paint while they sit.
·         One person of each sitting pair will need a smart phone and download the app for electronic payment for paintings that sell during their sitting time.
·         Aug 2nd will be our meeting date, followed by the show hanging. 
·         On Aug 5th the show will start
·         The show reception will occur on Sunday, Aug. 6th, from 1-4.
·         This year’s judge will be Rachel Rubin Wolf, who was our presenter from the April meeting.
·         Deb Ward will do name tags for the paintings.
·         The show ends Sunday, Aug. 27th.  Paintings can be picked up at the end of the day - or – final pickup on Tuesday, August 29 from 10-noon.
·         The Anderson Senior Center will tour the exhibit.  This year, to assist with the presentation of the show during the tour, each exhibiting artist provide a write up of their paintings with entries.
·         On Aug 20th, there will be music by the Cincinnati Chamber Orchestra at the Barn during our show.  Carol Fencl has agreed to stay after her sitting to be present while people cross over from the music to see our work.
·         During the July meeting, there will be an update for the credit card reader.
·         The Barn typically takes 20% commission on sales of paintings during the show.  It is the responsibility of the artist to make this connection with The Barn.
·         There will be postcards for this year’s show in the same style as last year’s show, showing the winning entries.  These postcards have been distributed and left at the Barn.

The July 5th meeting will be held in the evening.  We will incorporate a pot-luck dinner into the beginning of the meeting.  The dinner will start at 6:30, with the program starting at 7:00.   The program presenter will be Ken Buck.   Kathy Lang will be sending an email with information.

The August 2nd meeting will be an informal, open Q & A session with coffee and donuts.  There will be no invited presentation.  This is an opportunity for you to ask questions about what you or others are working on with your work.

Nancy Wisely, our Scholarship Chair announced that this year’s Scholarship Award winner is Madison Diopoly.  She will be present at our August meeting to receive her award and will also submit two of her paintings to be part of our show.

Membership report by Lydia Rittinger, noted no new memberships.  We do want to announce that new membership dues are reduced to $25 starting in August.  The new Club membership directory was sent out via email earlier this spring.  If you still need a printed copy please contact Lydia or Kathy.  Lydia reported that our Club membership is at 78 members.

Connie Dettmer announced that our income for this month is due to membership fee intake.  Expenses occurred through our costs for the upcoming show and our typical meeting expenses.  

Submitted by Tom Schroeder, Secretary, Greater Cincinnati Watercolor Society, June 2017.

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