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MINUTES - June 6, 2012

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MINUTES - June 6, 2012

Jun 13, 2012

Minutes from June 6 Meeting

Deb started the June meeting in the usual way with everyone greeting the people that were sitting around them. I know that has helped me to get to know a lot more members of the club.

She always leads a friendly discussion on whose been painting and actively doing other art related projects. Her quote for this month is “Creative minds are rarely tidy”.  She followed up with the fact that, for a lot of us, our workspaces are rarely tidy .

The first order of business centered around  the Robert Fabe paintings donated by Carol Steuer.  There will be a silent auction on the paintings next month. The proceeds from the auction will go towards a projector   for the club. Any paintings that don’t sell at the silent auction will be up for sale at the Kennedy Heights and Evergreen Art Shows.

Art Shows:
Joyce Grothaus typed up the registration for the July show. She passed the forms out as we came into the meeting today. Those who did not attend the meeting will get their forms in the mail. Drop off for the show is July 18 from 10 - 12. The show opens on Saturday July 21 from 1 - 4 at which time the Art Center will be open to the public. It was originally scheduled to run for 2 weeks but they were nice enough to give us an  extra week for the same price. Pick up will be on August 11 from 4 -5 following the show or the following Tuesday  August 14 from 10 -3.

Marilyn Bishop needs photos of art work to go with the news releases for the papers. Unfortunately she needs these by Friday. She will also need some photos for the news release for the Evergreen Show in September. Rhonda Carpenter will also need pictures of some paintings for an email invitation that she is working on for the Kennedy Heights show. This will be sent to us so we can send it to our friends and families. Taylor Bush will be in charge of hanging the show at Kennedy Heights. There will be a 30% commission fee for the Kennedy Heights show.

The fall show will be at Evergreen Retirement Community. The show will open Sunday Sept. 23 and close on October 28. Drop off for the show will be on Friday,  September 21, and pick up will be after the show on October 28 or the following day. Marilyn Bishop will do the publicity for that show. It was decided by the leadership team that the Evergreen show would be judged and prizes awarded. The prize money will be the same as last year.

Next month there will be a signup sheet for sitting and hanging the show.  Evergreen would like us to have someone in the entry hut to direct traffic if possible. As of right  now, a  judge is still needed for the show. The show may be called our 10th Anniversary Show.

We would like to have new brochures printed.  On the inside are 5 paintings from some of our members. There were only a small amount of brochures printed so when these are gone new ones will be made. Deb wanted some new photos of  member’s paintings for the next printing of the brochure.  You can send them to her via email or bring paintings to a meeting and she will take photos.   Jane Hittinger has these brochures if you are interested.  These brochures are available for members to take to classes or art shows to distribute.

Last month Rhonda Carpenter had a sign up sheet for the Christopher Leeper Workshop. The response for this workshop left Ronda with a waiting list. She has convinced Christopher to do another workshop for us in the Spring. The first workshop will  be October 26 -28. The Spring workshop will be April 5 -7. The cost of the workshop is $100 per person and the art club is subsidizing the rest of the cost.

Christopher Leeper is the president of the Ohio Watercolor Society. To find out more about him visit his website: .

Rhonda will be back next month to tell us more about the workshop and other programs for the club.

Feature Artist:
Donna Cameron is the feature artist on our blogsite this month.

Next month feature artist will be Taylor Bush.

Next Month the meeting will be on the second Wednesday, July 11, since the first Wednesday is a holiday.

Deb requested that anyone with an announcement bring the information to me at meetings so that all the dates, time and places are accurate in the minutes.

“Colerain Artists” is having a show June 23 - August 4 at the Fairfield Community Center on Wessel Dr.

Eileen has a card for people to sign for Mary Marxen who is going through chemo therapy.

Deb Ward announced that she received second place in the Rising Sun Art show and will be a judge for Bethesda North Show. She also has a painting in the Ohio Watercolor Society Show.

(Submitted by Kathy Kuyper)

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