MINUTES - JUNE 5, 2019
From 6:00 to 7:00 we munched on a variety of goodies thanks to our generous membership.
At 7:00 President Pat Lester called the meeting of the Greater Cincinnati Watercolor Society to order.
Pat wanted members to know that parking is valid next to the building as well as the 2 parking lots until 45 minutes past our meeting times. This is of special note when evening meetings are in sesssion. Pat also asked members to stand when making any announcements.
Renee Rotundo, Deb Ward, Gary Brooks, Tom Schroeder and Chris Krupinski will all be entered in the Ohio Watercolor Society Exhibition.
Two new members joined us this evening: Starr Shebesta and Jan Gaalaas.
Amy Earls spoke of the difficulty getting volunteers for the show in August, namely sitters (ambassadors). She is looking for 2 sitters for each day of the show. They will have to be informed of closing and opening procedures, selling paintings as well as answering questions guests may have. Connie Dettmer graciously volunteered to chair the committee.
Mary Fleischmann passed out a list for refreshments that members will be bringing.
Registration forms will have a spot for your contribution as well. We will also be having a table where purchases of paintings can be easily made. One sitter will man that, using the credit card reader if needed. During the reception volunteers will take turns manning that location to encourage purchases.
Joyce Grothaus reviewed the revised registration form and reminded all that the deadline for getting your art registered is July 10th.
Debbie Cannatella reported that there is still room for members to sign up for the fall workshop, September 21 and 22nd with Chris Krupinski.
Connie Dettmer gave the treasurer's report. We are still hoping to have a volunteer for the fund raising position. It seems essential to keep our finances at a particular level and since we seem to be falling somewhat short of that, other means of raising funds are being discussed; dues increase, auction of painting or split the pot.