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MINUTES - JUNE 4, 2014

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MINUTES - JUNE 4, 2014

Jun 4, 2014

June 4, 2014 Meeting

Before we get into the Minutes of the June meeting, I would like to acknowledge Kathy Kuyper, and her gracious acceptance of the work of taking the notes of the meeting this month.  As I could not be there, Kathy stepped up and used her time and effort to do the job.  The GCWS and I truly appreciate it!  Thank you, Kathy!

As Marilyn called the meeting to order, she announced that there would not be a Leadership meeting or Open Painting later due to the impending bad weather.

A new member, Tim Biggs, was introduced.  Tim says he is new to watercolors, likes to paint landscapes and architecture.  Welcome Tim!

We had some guests – Amy Brice, a friend of Marilyn Bishop and Nancy Wisely, who is in a Wyoming painting group.  She started painting watercolors in 2000.    Another friend of Marilyn’s, another guest  – Margie Carelton, asked our members if we would like to donate any of our unused art supplies to the Lockland schools’ Art Teacher, who has a need of supplies for her students.  Her email address is MMCARELTON@  Also attending was Carolyn Robinson, who came because she had enjoyed Carol Carter’s Workshop so much.

Our Treasurer, Sally, gave her report.  She stated the working balance is now minus the money we took out of the treasury for the Scholarship Awards.

Some copies of the Minutes from the May meeting are available to those who don’t have access to the Blog, on the back table.  Also available there are Information Forms to be filled out for those who have Announcements, so we can get the correct info for these.

Joan O’Leary is our new Program Co-ordinator.  She has most of the programs lined up for this coming year.  Our Program for next month – July – is entitled “Inspiration for Paintings”.  This will be given by Trish McKinney.

Marilyn requested that each member pick up their envelope from the back table.  It contains information, and an application form, for our August Art Show, and also info and an application form for our August program.  Members not in attendance will receive their envelopes in the mail.

We are taking a Bus Day-Trip to Middletown to the Art Center, then to Lunch, and in the afternoon, a tour of the Stained Glass Studios.  The cost for members is $64; cost for guests is $84.  We can take 40-50 people.  Reservations are required, and need to be made by July 2, our next meeting date.  Send check (or credit card into) to Provident Travel.  For questions, contact Joyce Grothaus.

Announcements:    Joan Abdon told about the Southeastern Indiana Art Guild’s Regional Art Exhibition.  This Event will be August 9 – 16, 2014, in Aurora, IN.  You do not have to be a guild member to enter your work.  Deadline is July 8. For info, Joan – 812-290-9547.

Marilyn asked members to continue passing out club flyers to other artists that they know, or see at other art shows.  She also asked if anyone filled out the Featured Artist form for Deb.  Answer was No.  Come on, folks  J  it’s not that hard.  J

Art Show Chair, Carol McAfee, passed around signup sheets for volunteers for the Show.  She needs:  gallery sitters, refreshments for Reception, Hanging committee, and Pick-up helpers.  Pickup can be at the last day of the show (Aug 24) after 4:00, or on the 26th.  You will need to sign out  your paintings.   Don’t forget to add 20% for the commission.  If you sell a painting, you will be responsible for paying the 20% to The Barn.  Carol will have postcards for the Show next month.  All this information is in the envelope to be picked up at today’s meeting.  Those who were not in attendance will receive their envelope in the mail.

Marilyn read a Thank You note from Katlyn Wolary, one of our Young Artist Award winners.

Notes taken by Kathy Kuyper,

Written and submitted by Joyce Grothaus,  June, 2014

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