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MINUTES - JUNE 3, 2015

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MINUTES - JUNE 3, 2015

Jun 14, 2015

Many thanks to Carol Fencl for taking and writing up the Minutes of our May GCWS meeting; we really appreciate it!

President Marilyn Bishop began the meeting by introducing our newest member, Janet Reeves, and a guest, Eileen Seiter.  Welcome to both. 

Marilyn explained a new idea we will try out for the “stay and paint” portion of today’s meeting.  A part of a painting DVD will be shown; then we will attempt to copy same; then show another part, and paint more.  Our group is always willing to try new things!
Marilyn and all who attended the Sue Archer Workshop the past weekend gave many thanks and many kudos to Dianna Duncan for the awesome job she did in preparing for, and making the Workshop happen.  Sue said it was one of the best she’s put on, and she is interested in being invited back sometime.  Participants showed some of the work they did in the W/S.  Dianna purchased a Sue Archer DVD for the GCWS; it will be put into our DVD Library.  Joan Ammerman reminded everyone to sign in and sign out any DVDs that you borrow.

Treasurer Sally Wester gave the Treasurer’s report.  Our Treasury is in good shape.  No Membership report; Deb is on her annual “painting retreat”!   Marilyn asked anyone who has an Announcement, to fill out an Info Form with all the details so that they will be correct in the Minutes.

Announcements:  Diana Marra has work in the Cincinnati Art Club Critique Member Show;  Opening June 5.  She also has work at Art In the Commons in Kettering, OH, August 9 – a premium outdoor art show.
Joan Miley has work at the Aaron Wachs Gallery in Mariemont; June 9.    Howard Krauss thanked members of GCWS for their help and encouragement over the years; said it has enabled him and his wife to be asked to teach on a Cruise for four weeks this summer.
Deb Ward has paintings featured this month in two magazines -  The Artist Magazine – winning first place for the watercolor category in the All Media Competition – July/Aug;  and in the Acrylic Artist Magazine;  Summer 2015, a painting as one of several featured in the section on “color”.   
Congratulations to all!

Carol McAfee, Chair of our Annual Watercolor Exhibit, which will again be held at the “Barn” in Mariemont, gave an update on the project.  Everyone will receive a Registration Letter during July so that you can participate in the Exhibit.  Each member will be able to enter two paintings (which must have wires with which to hang them).   Members will send their information – name, name of paintings, price, etc., etc. to Joyce Grothaus, approximately two weeks before the Opening Reception, so that Tags can be prepared for all paintings.  Please read your Registration Letter carefully.  There will be Awards.

Joan O’Leary gave a report on upcoming Programs;   In July, Nick of Windsor Newton will display some new methods and materials; w/c markers and sticks.   In August, member Jean Vance will present “Things You Want to Know”.  This meeting will be at the “Barn”, allowing an easy way to bring in your paintings for the Exhibit – same day as our regular meeting;  In September Louise Allen will provide our lesson – TBA

Submitted by Joyce Grothaus, Secretary, GCWS, June, 2015

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