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MINUTES - JULY 2, 2014

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MINUTES - JULY 2, 2014

Jul 9, 2014

Greater Cincinnati Watercolor Society
July 2, 2014 Meeting/Program

On a bright sunny day in July, our President, Marilyn Bishop, called the meeting to order.   She welcomed back member Taylor Bush, and guests Jacklyn Sullivan, a newbie painter who is from Westwood, and Deb Ward students Laura Crew and Mary Ellen Klenk.

Carol McAfee passed out invitations to our Annual Art Show/Exhibit that members can distribute to family and friends.  After all the hard work and effort that we all put into the Show, we want to be sure that lots of people come to see our Art.

Treasurer Sally Wester gave her report.  Our finances are in good shape.  If members ever want to see the specifics, Sally will be happy to talk with you about them.

Diana Marra has won two awards – 3rd Place at the Evendale Fine Art Exhibit, and the Purchase Award at Art Comes Alive!  This show runs through July 11 at Art Design Consultants in downtown Cincinnati.  Diana has also been published in International Contemporary Artists, Vol 8, and is showing at “Art on the Commons”, Aug 10 in Kettering OH.

Deb Ward won the Outstanding Watercolor Award at the Hoosier Salon, for her painting Japanese Tea which also sold.  This show is from June 26 through Aug. 23.  Deb is also offering a workshop at the Cincinnati Art Club on Painting Silver & Lace on Oct. 26-27, 10-4 each day.  Cost:  $125.  Please contact Deb for more information.

Marilyn told about her pieces and sales at the Café in New Richmond.  Howard told us the Tony Couch workshop on 7/14 has a few open places.

Membership:  We have four more new members; keep letting your friends know about the great things we have going on here at the Society!

Joyce Grothaus gave a report on our upcoming Bus Day-Trip – Aug 6.  We are very close to having enough people going.  A number of people at the meeting handed in their Reservation and their check.  For those who live “up North”, and wish to avoid driving down to Cincinnati to get on the bus, we have designated the Mariott Hotel in West Chester (right along I-75, exit 19, near Union Center Blvd) as a pickup spot.  We strongly suggest that if you take this option, you let Joyce know that you will meet us there, and be there by 9:45.  We cannot be waiting for you at the Art Club, and we will be stopping for only a few minutes at the Mariott to pick up the people who are waiting there.  We certainly don’t want to miss anybody!
Carol McAfee gave a report on our Show/Exhibit at The Barn in August.  She has been working very hard, and has almost everything in place.  She asked for just a couple more volunteers (which she obtained later in the meeting).

Program Coordinator Joan O’Leary gave us a rundown on the upcoming programs for the remainder of this year:  
September – Barb Smucker - Contrast Through Color
October – Susan Grogan – TBD
November – Feedback Day; Critiques; Incentives
December - Holiday Party.  

They all sound interesting, right?

Submitted by Joyce Grothaus, Secretary, GCWS, July, 2014

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