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MINUTES - JULY 11, 2012

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MINUTES - JULY 11, 2012

Jul 22, 2012

Deb Ward opened the meeting with the usual meet and greet. 
The first item on the agenda was the sign-up sheets at the back of the room. There are two different sheets one for the meeting and the other for the paint along. Deb would like everyone to sign in so we can keep a record of how many people are attending the meeting and painting session..

The quote for this meeting was “Far better creative mess than idyll neatness.”

Deb asked if anyone had tried out the technique of painting on Gesso from our last program. A few people had raised there hand.

The next order of business were the Fabe paintings donated by Carol  Steuer  for the silent auction. They were lined up in the back of the room to be bid on at this meeting. The paintings that do not sell will be for sale at  Evergreen during our Art Show there this Fall. The money made from the sale of these paintings will go towards buying a projector for the club.

There have been a few complaints that people do not know what is going on at future meetings.  The Art Club has several ways to find out about the Clubs future meetings.

Post cards are sent out every 6 months with the next 6 months’ programs and meeting dates on them.
Check the Blog
Call a leadership team member. They are in the membership booklet with a box around their names.
Call a friend from the club.

Deb did say that she might consider  a reminder email with a link to the blog to help get the information to everyone.
Art Shows:
Deb ask for a raise of hands to see how many were planning on entering the show at KHAC. It would be very helpful if the people entering the show would send there painting information to Alice Fossett before the drop off date,  July 18th.

Next Wednesday is the drop off date for the KHAC show. Taylor Bush will place the paintings and Vicki Sheperd and Jean Soller will be in charge of hanging.  Please bring a hammer if you are helping with hanging the paintings.

Marilyn Bishop has sent out information about the show to all the local papers. She asked if anyone sees these articles to let her know, that way she will know if the information is getting out to the public.

Rhonda Carpenter will be sending everyone an email invitation for them to send on to friends and family. Donna Cameron, Louise Allen, and Carol Fencl will have pictures of their paintings on the invitation.

Pick up date for the show is August 11, the last day of the show, or the following Tuesday.

KHAC charges a 30% commission on paintings sold during the show.

The Evergreen show opens on Sunday Sept. 23 from 12 - 4.  Awards will be presented to members at this show for first, second , third place and honorable mention. If you have received an award for first, second, or third place at the last award show then you are not eligible for an award at this show. This information is now in the by-laws on page 14 and 15 of our new membership/by-laws booklet. Mary Moore is the chairman for the Evergreen show. She passed around sign up sheets for sitting and hanging of the show.

Marilyn Bishop needs pictures of paintings for post cards and publicity for this show by August 1. You can send these imagines either to her or to Deb Ward.

Deb would like to do new Brochures for the club.  She would like new brochures to have different paintings from members in it. Anyone wanting to send her images of their work for the new brochures should include the name of the painting along with the picture. The new brochures would  be ready for the Evergreen Art show.

Fall Work Shop:
Christopher Leeper will put on the Fall Workshop in Oct. Since the workshop filled up so quickly, Rhonda was able to have Christopher put on the same workshop in the Spring. The Spring workshop dates are April 5,6, and 7. If you are taking the fall workshop then you will not be allowed to sign up for the Spring workshop. Sign up and deposit checks for the Spring workshop will probably be in February.

Here is the list of members that will be attending the fall workshop:
Joan Ammerman
Jim Auvil
Dot Burdin
Rhonda Carpenter
Ardelle Duffy
Carol Fencl
Joyce Grothaus
Jane Hittinger
Jo Hogan
Eileen Hulsman
Len Jacobs
Rosemary Jacobs
Yuriko Kudo
Gerri Lech
Judy Reed
Vicki Shepherd
Janet Vennemeyer
Deb Ward
Sally Wester
Barb Zentgraf

Our guest for this meeting was Kristie Mooney. She recently transferred to the Cincinnati area from Seattle, Washington and now lives in Lawrenceburg , IN. Kristie found out about the club through our Blog site which made Deb very happy. Kristie said she is a beginner watercolorist and is excited about joining the club.

Other News:
Deb Ward told us what a good value our club is compared to other Cincinnati art clubs. We are known for our outstanding program each month.

GCWS  dues $45.00
Queen City Art Club dues $75.00
Cincinnati Women’s Art Club  $55.00, open painting $5.00
Cincinnati Art Club  dues $110.00

Deb Ward announced that she was accepted into the View Point Show as well as the Ohio Watercolor show and the National Watercolor Show. She will also be one of the judges for the Bethesda North Show in the Fall. There were application for this show on the back table. Your application as well as imagines of your work are due in by Sept. 1 if anyone is interested in applying for the show. They do display your paintings for one year in one of their medical buildings. There is no commission charge for any painting that is sold there.

Deb will give a short program about our blog and another program on Using Fluid Acrylics like Watercolors. There was no workshop after the program just a paint along. 

Feature Artist: 
Taylor Bush will be the feature artist this month on our Blog site. Deb Ward would like some other members to come forward to be the feature artist in the upcoming months. Anyone interested needs to fill out a short questionnaire, have about 4 or 5 imagines of their pictures, and include a picture of themselves and send it to Deb.

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