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MINUTES - JULY 10, 2013

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MINUTES - JULY 10, 2013

Jul 21, 2013

We opened our July meeting with a greeting and a quote:  “Do or do not – there is no TRY”!

Our bi-annual postcards were mailed in Mid-June – please hang onto them – put them on your calendar and move them each month so you have a record of upcoming programs.  You can also check the blog for more information on upcoming programs.

Our 2013-14 membership books were available at the meeting; the rest of the books will be mailed in the next week.

Remember – we have a new email for GCWS which is:  grtrcincyws@gmail.  You will be receiving all information from GCWS through this email from now on.

We have been a bit lax on critiques lately – please feel free to bring your work for critique at each meeting.

Sally Wester reported on our show at the Woman’s Art Club Barn – paintings were to be picked up on Thursday, July 11.  This was our juried show, our juror was Ken Buck, and the Show winners were:  1st place, Deb Ward, Industrial Revolution; 2nd place Wynne Bittlinger, Red Apples and Basket; 3rd place, Barb Zentgraf, View from Tonto; and two honorable mentions – Shirley Knollman, At the Greenhouse and Donna Cameron, Signs of Spring.

Sally will also be in charge of our show at Evergreen this fall, and has asked that you email a photo of your painting to her if you would like to have your image on the postcard for that show.  Information for that show will be available at meetings and on the blog.  Drop off will be Thursday, September 19 from 9:30 to noon; Reception will be Sunday, September 22 from 1-4.  The show will hang from September 22 through October 27 with pick up immediately following the show or on Monday, October 28 from 10-noon.

We are taking reservations for the Fran Mangino workshop on October 25, 26, 27.  A $50 deposit to GCWS and mailed to Deb Ward will hold your place, with final payment due on or before our October GCWS meeting.

Rhonda let us know that we will be hosting a Carol Carter workshop next spring on April 5, 6, 7 – so keep those dates in mind.  We have not decided on the fee for that workshop, but it will be more than $100 since Carol’s fees are higher.  More information about this workshop will be coming.

The American Watercolor Society Traveling Show is currently at the Middletown Arts Center, 130 N. Verity Parkway, Middletown, OH.  Hours are Monday: 9-4; Tuesday-Thursday 9-8:30 p.m.

The work of members Rhonda Carpenter and Jo Hogan will be exhibited at the “Art After Hours” exhibition at the Ft. Thomas Branch library on Friday evening, July 26, from 7-9 p.m.

Rhonda Carpenter’s painting Am I Blue? Is one of 7 paintings receiving a Purchase Award from the Mary Jo Cropper Family Center for Breast Care at Bethesda North Hospital on Montgomery Road.

Deb Ward reported that she won a Judge’s Merit Award at the Rising Sun Regional show in May.  Her painting Red Paisley Scarf was accepted into the Ohio Watercolor Show; Dragon Tea was accepted into ViewPoint 45; and Dragon Mum was accepted into the Pennsylvania Watercolor Society show.

In August we will take nominations for President, Secretary, Program Chair, Show Chair and Workshop Director.  Start thinking about volunteering – or nominating someone – for these positions.  We will take nominations through October with new officers and chairpersons announced in November.

Minutes by Deb Ward.

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