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Jan 12, 2013

Deb opened the meeting with an announcement that her daughter recently was married over the holidays. We then had the usual meet and greet with our members sitting next to us.

Our inspirational quote from Deb was “It’s true we all have more talent than we think”. Her suggestion to us was don’t be afraid of trying something new you may be better at it than you think.

She asked if anyone had tried portrait painting from the program we had in November. There was only one member at the meeting who was brave enough to attempt it.

New Business:
Post cards have been sent to everyone regarding the next 6 months’ programs. Deb recommended hanging on to these cards so everyone would know the upcoming events. This information will also be on the Blog.  She will also continue to send out reminder emails before the up-coming meeting on what the program will be about.

Information about a meeting being cancelled due to weather can be found on WKRC or you can just call  Rhonda Carpenter or Deb Ward.

Deb just recently purchased a projector from the money we made selling the Fabe paintings given to the club by Carol Steuer.  We will be able to use the projector for programs or possibly our paint-along after the meeting.

Joan O’leary  said the Art Academy was in the process of selecting a recipient for the scholarship money. The scholarship will be presented at the May meeting.

Art Shows:
Deb asked again if anyone would volunteer to chair the art show committee. Sally Wester volunteer to be the chair person for the  art show committee. A couple of members mentioned place that would be possibilities for art shows. These along with others will be up for consideration by Sally and Deb.

Feature Artist:
Sally Wester will be the feature artist next month. Deb still is trying to get more members to volunteer to be feature artist for the up coming months.

Diana Manra is here as a visitor and will be joining the club.

Sally gave us an update on the club’s finances. Also mentioned that in March dues will be due. If anyone occurs expenses that the club needs to pay, a receipt with information on it about what the expense was for would be very helpful for Sally.

Shirley Knollman announced that the Ice Fest in Hamilton is on January 18. It will feature ice cravings of Landmarks Around the World. There is an Art show with the Ice Fest in the city building. Shirley will be a part of the show.

February 2, there is an Arts and Craft show at the North Minister Presbyterian Church in Finneytown.

Deb’s painting that is part of the Ohio Watercolor show is on display at the Vernon Wright Center and will be there until the end of the month. Then it will travel around the state being on display in different Cities in Ohio.

Jo Hogan also showed us some work from a friend of hers, Beatrice Tse, who recently passed away. Beatrice was an outstanding artist and teacher. Her work is similar to the program we are having today on bookmarks made with paintings and collage materials.

Minutes by Kathy Kuyper

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