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Feb 11, 2013

Since our Secretary is on vacation in New Zealand this month, your intrepid President endeavored to take minutes of the meeting (while participating in the meeting) as well as take notes of the program (while in the dark), so here goes!

The weather cooperated and we had a good turn out for a mid-winter meeting!

The bell was rung to bring order to the meeting.  Once everyone settled down, I read a quote:
“Art is very subjective and not everyone will always like it.  It is a matter of perspective.  What is important is that YOU like it.”  I think this is very true and appropriate – at some point you must quit listening to those who critique and decide that you have accomplished what you set out to accomplish, and that the painting satisfies YOU and it is finished.

Mary Marxen’s death and Memorial Fund was discussed.  Joan Miley passed around an envelope for those who wished to donate to The Mary Marxen Memorial Fund.  The money will be used at a later date to fund some sort of project at the Cincinnati Art Club.  Eileen Hulsman is in charge of this project and you may contact her about a donation.

I then asked if anyone had tried to make postcards or notecards using Marilyn Bishop’s technique from the prior meeting and Joan Ammerman said she had made 20!  Several other hands were raised; everyone enjoyed Marilyn’s demo in January.

In going through some old minutes, I came across a note that will be beneficial to all members, but specifically to our newer painters.  If you are planning on putting a painting into an upcoming show, bring it in for critique!  It’s a good way to utilize the eyes and ideas of our members, some of whom have years of experience in shows.  Critiques can help all of us, no matter where we are in our painting journey.

New Business
Annual dues are due in March.  An email including the dues form (mailed to those with no email) will be sent out by mid-February.  Several people elected to pay their dues at the meeting.

Rhonda Carpenter is accepting checks for the Christopher Leeper workshop in April.  Please get your $50 deposit check to her immediately – made payable to GCWS and mailed to her address (which is in our membership book).  If we have not filled the workshop by February 13, we will open it to the public.

We are using our new projector for the first time at today’s meeting!  Thanks to Rhonda and the abilities of our guest speaker, it worked seamlessly!

Since our Treasurer was ill, I gave a brief report explaining expenses during January.

Young Artist Award
Joan O’Leary reported that the Art Academy is in the process of making their selection for a qualified student and will give her that information later this spring.

Blog Featured Artist
Sally Wester is the featured artist for January, and I asked for more members to come forward for future months.

Malachi Lawrence, recently retired from GE, was our guest.  We hope he enjoyed the meeting and will become a new member.
Information about the upcoming Women’s Art Club competition was placed on the back wall.  If you are interested in entering, you can contact Marilyn Bishop or Janet Vennemeyer, or go to the Woman's Art Club website to download an application.

The OWS traveling show is now in Sidney, Ohio.  The closest it will come to Cincinnati is Troy, Ohio.  To see a list of the venues, check out the Ohio Watercolor Society website or go to Deb Ward’s blogspot. 
We will offer a workshop this fall by Fran Mangino.  More information will be forthcoming.

Minutes by Deb Ward (I hope I didn’t overlook anything!

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