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Dec 12, 2016

President Kathy Lang called the meeting to order with Greetings of Merry Christmas! She said we would have a rather short meeting today so that we could get on with the real business of the day — the Party! It was very nice to see some members who had not come for a while, attend today. Members also voiced some concerns about some whom we have not heard from lately. Please let us know how you are doing.

We had one guest - Jennie Kim - recently moved here from Minnesota. She found us online, and was brave enough to come into a roomful of strangers to see what we are about. We certainly hope Jennie felt like we were no longer strangers after enjoying the meeting and party. Jennie has been painting for about ten years, using both acrylic and watercolor. She does beautiful work.

There will be no Watercolor Society meetings in January or February - due to worry about the weather, except the Leadership Teams will have a meeting - Feb. 8 to plan for the coming year. Tom Schroeder has agreed to serve as Secretary, and the members enthusiastically voted him into office.

Treasurer, Carol Fencl gave her report. Our finances are good, but since our account has dropped below a certain level, we will have to pay a checkbook fee for the next couple of months. We did spend more than we took in lately, but when everyone pays their yearly dues in March, hopefully this will be rectified. We do have some fundraisers today - profits from the items on the front tables will be given directly to the Club. Members have also brought in their personal items to be sold; those profits go to the member.

Deb Ward, Blog Chair, encouraged everyone to send in any interesting information about you or your work - to be put on the Blog - to keep it up-to-date, and interesting. We have a number of new, wonderful, members who found out about us from the Blog, and hope to attract more. It is also possible to be a “Featured Artist” by sending her a photo of a few of your paintings, and filling out an “information about you” form. Go on the Blog and read some of these interesting features.

There are many good DVDs in the Club Library. All you need to do in order to borrow one or two, is to sign them out. When you return them the next month, please sign them in. If you have any at home, please remember to bring them next time.

Next year’s Annual Exhibit Chair, Mary Fleischmann reminded us that she will be needing lots of help, both before, and during, next August’s Show. Whether you have a particular talent that you could use, or whether you have a particular challenge you would like to face, we want you to volunteer.

Robert Thornburgh, one of our newer members, wanted everyone to know that he truly appreciates all the help, support, and encouragement that he has received from members of the GCWS. He feels that he has been able to progress much more quickly in his endeavors than he thought possible. He said he values everyone’s knowledge and friendship.

Members also acknowledged and appreciated Marilyn Bishop’s efforts in beginning and supporting for all these years, the Greater Cincinnati Watercolor Society!

Members who were not able to attend this month’s meeting/Party really missed an amazing diversity of delicious food and snacks (some nutritious and some not :) )

We’ll see everybody on the first Wednesday of March!

Submitted by Joyce Grothaus, outgoing Secretary, Greater Cincinnati Watercolor Society, December, 2016

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