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Dec 7, 2015

On a foggy-by-the-river December morning, the GCWS members gathered to celebrate the Christmas Holiday season.  It was great to see everyone dressed up and ready for fun!

Marilyn Bishop, president, called us together for a short meeting.  She recognized our newest member, Elizabeth.

Sally Wester, treasurer, gave her report.  Our finances are in good shape.  If any member would like to see the details, please talk to Sally.

We will not meet in January or February as these months so often offer extremely bad weather.  (However, the new Officers will try to meet on the first Wed. of Jan. to plan.)  They will actually take office for the March meeting.

Deb Ward, membership, said we now have 91 members.

Joan O’Leary, program chair, gave us an idea of what programs we will have in the new year – March – Marilyn Bishop;  April – Craig Lloyd, teaches watercolor at Mt. St. Joe’s and was the Juror for our Aug. Annual Show;  May – TBA  (Alan Hutton needed to cancel.)
Announcements – Joan Miley – wonderful Christmas Event at the “Barn” 5th and 6th;  Dot Burdin – for Dec. weekends, (Sats and Suns) the Cincinnati Art Club will have 20 Painters displaying their work ;  Tom Schroeder won the Purchase Award at the Kentucky Watercolor Society Show.

The GCWS then acknowledged the great job that has been done this whole year by Les Miley.  The group recognizes and appreciates all of his hard work in having things ready and set up, and for whatever help we ask of him, and gave him a token of our appreciation.

There were some items that were brought in to sell this year, but not nearly as many as last year – but, some people still got very good bargains.

Then – it was time to party!  The group played our version of Pictionary – and, after lots of oh no’s and much laughter, a winner at each table won a very nice prize. 

Members outdid themselves in bringing in wonderful “eats” and “drinks”.   Great time for all!

Submitted by Joyce Grothaus, Secretary, GCWS, December, 2015.

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