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Aug 9, 2016

On a beautiful warm, summer day, President Kathy Lang called the meeting to order. Guests were welcomed, which included Doug Hibbard, husband of our Presenter; Tony Pestio, Janet’s guest; and Diane Jeffries, who became aware of our group through our Blog on the Internet.

A surprising number of people raised their hands to tell that they were staying after the meeting for Open Painting (and pizza) - 20.  All helped to set up more tables and chairs.  Lesson was on DVD - miniature paintings with various techniques.

Announcements: Kathy Lang has made arrangements for us to hold our Annual Exhibit next year at the “Barn” again. We will have our August meeting there on August 2. Members will bring their paintings on that day, and after the meeting, the Hanging Committee will ready them for the Show. It was decided that we would have the Exhibit open from the next day (Thursday, 8/3) through 8/27 (Sunday), with Pick Up Day on Tuesday, 8/29. We will have the Reception on Sunday, 8/6/17.

Deb Ward announced that Roger Ross has his complete Show Booth for sale; contact him if you are interested. Deb is giving a Workshop on “Red Hot Tomatoes” soon. If you are entered in any shows, or have won an award, etc. please contact Deb so that she can put the news into the Blog.

Workshop Chair, Dianne Duncan said there is one place left for the October 28-30 Workshop. If interested, contact Dianne soon. For those members who have not paid the full amount yet, it is due by September 1. Be sure to keep your space with your check! Dianne will give instructions for all workshop attendees on stretching your paper over canvas in September.

Our Presenter for July (Dick Close) has donated his stipend he received from us to a group called “Visionaries & Voices”, who work with people with disabilities. We were pleased to hear about this kind action.

The meeting was kept rather short today so that we would have plenty of time to have the Demo and lesson from our own Carolyn Hibbard.

 Submitted by Joyce Grothaus, GCWS Secretary

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