Greater Cincinnati
Watercolor Society
Minutes August 3, 2011
Eileen Hulsman called the meeting to order. Before the meeting started, she had distributed papers for all present to write in names for people to be nominated as officers for the Nov. elections.
Due to the special program that had been arranged, the meeting was held in the Castellini Room of the Cincinnati Art Museum.
Evergreen Show
Plans are moving ahead for the Evergreen show. The Official Opening will be on Sept. 25 from noon – 4 p.m.
Help is needed for the following:
- 3 persons to manage the parking lot.
- Address postcards to various facilities, watercolor teachers, high school art groups, etc.
- type nametags
- sit the show on weekends
- persons to will hang the show.
Persons entering the show will be asked to bring in their work(s) on Sept. 22.
Marilyn Bishop needs members to send her e-mails with their paintings.
Julie Aronson, Curator of American Painting, Sculpture and Drawings at the Cincinnati Art Museum presented the program, illustrated by a Powerpoint of the watercolors owned by the museum. She discussed some of the unique features of the CAM collection.
After the talk we were divided into small groups to tour the museum, led by the CAM docents. Unfortunately watercolors were not on display, since they have been put away for a major exhibition that will be held in 2014 and have already started the process used for the catalog illustrations.
Minutes submitted by Communications Chair, Carol Fencl