President Kathy Lang open the meeting at 10:00.
Diane Jeffries presented Sydney Green with the Mary Marxen scholarship of $500.00. She just finished her second year at the Art Academy of Cincinnati. Sydney was highly recommended by the Dean, and will have 3 paintings hanging in our show.

Details of the the Art Show for 2018 were discussed. It will be at ‘The Loft’ at The Barn in Mariemont.
· The exhibit runs from August 2-12. Times are Sat and Sun 1-4, Tuesday through Friday from 9-2, being closed on Mondays.
· The opening reception is Sunday August 5 from 1-4.
· Pick up of art is Sunday August 12, after 3:45, and Tuesday August 14 from 10:00 - 12:00.
· Mary Fleischman is chairperson for this event.
· Details of food and drink were finalized.
· Pat Lester will inform sitters of the duties following this morning’s meeting.
· Everyone in the show is requested to bring food to opening.
· It was noted that someone should monitor painting Friday evening.
· Members were encouraged to wear name tags which will be provided at the show.
· Ginny Tilbury is in charge of hanging show, and several volunteered to assist her.
· It was noted that last year we had 62 paintings in show, and this year we have 83.
· Deb Ward will have new club brochures printed and ready for distribution at the art exhibit.
· We are happy to have Rachel Wolf as the judge for this show.
Connie Dettmer gave the treasurer report.
Diana Marra will be giving a workshop this weekend at Plaza Art in Kenwood on Oriental bird painting.
Members were encouraged to sign up for Fall workshop, which will be Fri-Sat, Oct 12-13. There will be room for 15, with members having first choice. Debbie Cannatella.will be teaching the workshop with a focus on composition from photography, making thumbnail sketches, value studies, and color for designs and composition. Pat Lester is in charge of the workshop.
Minutes by Suzanne Giegler.