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Aug 14, 2012

Minutes from August 1 Meeting:
Deb Ward opened the meeting in the usual way by having a meet and greet with the persons sitting next to you. I hope everyone has found this as a rewarding experience as I have.

Deb requested that everyone remember to check their name on the sign in sheets in the back of the room.

Her quote for this meeting was “ Whatever you do, welcome to the club, consider yourself an artist.”  She wanted to stress to us that as members we need to join in and participate in the different activities of the club.

Next Deb did a short question and answer session on things covered at the last meeting.  Did anyone get on the blog?   After the program last month on fluid acrylics did anyone try to paint with them?  Did anyone go to any art shows this past month. Most question were answered by a raise of hands. Deb suggested we should try to go to the Carnegie Art Center in Northern Kentucky to see the Colored Pencil Art Show.

KHAC Art Show:
 The opening night of our art show at the KHAC had a good turn out, not only from our members, but also the community. Deb said that she met a couple of guests that night that had found out about the show through our blog. That defiantly made her very happy.

Deb wants to thank everyone who helped in some way with this show:
Marilyn Bishop for the publicity
Rhonda for the email post card
Jane Hittinger and Carol Steuer who helped with intake of the paintings.
Taylor Bush and Virginia Mooney who placed the paintings
Joan Ammerman, Jean Soller, Ardelle Duffy and Kathy Lawrence who helped hang – and boy, can those ladies . . . . . hang paintings!
Alice Fosset for typing the title cards and programs and having them printed.
Carol Steuer, Virginia Mooney, Gerri Lech, Sally Wester and Rosemary Jacob for refreshments – and I think Jo Hogan sent some cookies, too even though she couldn’t be there.
Thanks to Sally Wester who brought supplies such as napkins, forks, plates and table clothes – the leftovers of which are now in my possession in a box of ever growing GCWS paraphernalia!
Special thanks to Carol Fencl whom I cornered at the drop off and who offered to bring punch – and it was DELICIOUS. She went above and beyond punch duty!
Special thanks to Judy Reed who was invaluable during the hanging – she saw that I was overwhelmed at that moment and did what had to be done without even being asked – she showed Joyce Grothaus how to wire a painting for proper hanging – helped hang and that girl can climb and throw – WHO KNEW!
Thanks to Shirley Knollman who has offered to be there during Saturday pick up and who will take my paintings home with her.
If she has forgotten anybody’s name please forgive her and let her know so she can thank you.
And thank you to all of you who came to the opening to support the group.

Pick up for your paintings from KHAC is August 11 between 4 & 5 or Tuesday  August 14 between 10 & 6. Deb suggested that picking up on Saturday would be best otherwise your paintings end up in their storage closet.

Deb wanted to remind everyone that paintings for all shows need to be wired for hanging. It was also brought to her attention that some members did not enter the show because of conflicts of drop off dates and times. She expressed that it is hard to make it convenient for everyone but you can always see if there is another member willing to help you out with the drop off of your work. Deb wanted to let everyone know that she is willing to hear complaints, suggestions and new ideas to help make the club and their activities better.

 Fabe paintings:
The silent auction last month of the Fabe paintings was very successful. Seven paintings were bought for a total $650.00. This money will go for the purchase of a projector for the club.

Evergreen  Show:
Susan Grogan, Marilyn Bishop and Rhonda Carpenter have sent pictures to use for the shows post cards. Mary has sign up sheets for the show and also entry forms. Drop off for the show is Sept. 21. The opening of the show at Evergreen is Sept. 23. There will be awards given at this show. It also celebrates the Club’s 10th Anniversary.

Feature Artist:
 There are no feature artists for the up coming months. Deb said she will be persistent in finding others who are willing to be featured.

We still need pictures of members works for the new brochures. This brochures last for about a year and then new ones are made again.

Leeper’s Workshop:
The Christopher Leeper’s workshop is filled for Oct. Rhonda needs the rest of the payment for that workshop from the members that are attending it by the Sept. or Oct. meeting. Sign up for the Spring workshop will be in January or February.

Joan Abdon brought her 3 granddaughters to our meeting today.

Our guest from last month  Kristie Mooney has now become a member of the club.

Treasurer Report:
 Sally Wester gave us an update on our income and expenses for the last month.


Joan O’Leary will being taking care of the scholarship committee again this year.

 Joan Ammerman said that she would be glad to help anyone that need their work dropped off for the Evergreen Show as along as they delivered it to her.

Dot Burdin announced that the Queen City Art Club was having a show  at the Civic Garden Center.  It opened on July 30 and will run until August 27. On Thursday August 23 there will be a reception and silent auction.

Friday night August 3 will be the opening of the Viewpoint show at 225 E 6th St. from 5-8. It’s a national show and several of our members are in it.

Marilyn Bishop announced that at the Evergreen show they are hoping to have the original members and possibly the past presidents of the club at the show.

Rhonda announced the up coming programs.:

September  - Trish McKinney - Nature’s Palette. She uses acrylics, inks and very bold colors.

October - Helen Haberstroh - Pen and Ink with watercolors. This program will be at the Evergreen facilities and lunch will be served.

Other Information:
 Program post cards will be sent out twice a year feature the program schedule for the next 6 months.  You can also go on the blog and see what the program is for the upcoming months. Deb will continue to send out email reminders until the end of the year.

There will be no longer be any workshops after our meetings, only open paint along. Last  month we had 5 people stay for the paint along after the meeting. Hopefully the attendance will grow with each meeting.

(Submitted by Kathy Kuyper)

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