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Apr 19, 2012

Before the meeting started postcards were passed out with information on the programs for the rest of the year. There will also be information about the programs on our blog.

Past president Eileen Hulsman was back after multiple surgeries. A plaque was presented to her for her years of service as president of the club. Shirley Knollman also gave her a fun gift of a tiara.

Deb Ward then started the meeting by having us greet our neighbors sitting next to us, hoping that it will give us all a chance to become better acquainted with all the members. She has also decided to start our meetings with a quote to give us something to think about. The quote for this meeting was “See the value in what your doing.” She felt that this could be used not only in life but also with painting.

Deb asked if anyone had gone to see the Nancy Neville Art Show or to any other art shows or museums during the past month. There were several members that had seen Nancy’s show and said that it was very nice.

Deb has been going through the membership cards and has taken notes of all the ideas that were sent in. She hopes to incorporate these ideas throughout the year. The leadership team was then reintroduced to the club.

Deb feels that Les Miley should be allowed to be an honorary member of the club since he does so much for us by setting up and taking down the chairs and tables for the meeting.


We had three guest attend this meeting: Britt Hedges and her daughter Olivia who are friends of Nancy Wisely, and LaVerne Klug who was once a member and has many friends in the club. She seemed to be interested in becoming a member again.

Treasurer Report;

Sally updated us on the balance, expenses and income for the last month. Income came from the 80 members who had paid their membership dues. There are still several members that need to renew.


Joan reported that students were starting to send in their work to be juried. She will be getting a team together to judge the work soon.

Art Show:

Deb stressed that we still need a volunteer to be chairman of the July show at the Kennedy Heights Art Center. Alice Fossett volunteered to make title cards and Jane Hittinger said she would help by taking in the paintings. We still need a person to be in charge. Deb warned that we have one month to come up with a chairperson or there will be no show. The show is scheduled to take place the last week of July and the first week of August.


Rhonda announced that she is trying to get together a weekend workshop for the club. Hopefully it would be a weekend in November. She is trying to keep the cost around $200. Charlynn Knight is the artist she is hoping to have do the workshop. Rhonda will let us know if the gets scheduled.

Tina Tamarro will have a program on Art History next month along with a slide show. She will not do a critique. Howard Krauss will do a paint along after the program. It will be a lesson on blue and yellow do not make green.

Susan Grogan will have the program in June. It will be Watercolor on Gesso.

Feature Artist:

Howard Krauss is the featured artist on the blog this month. Taylor Bush agreed to be on the blog next month as the featured artist. Deb is still looking for other members to volunteer to be a featured artist in the upcoming months.

(Submitted by Kathy Kuyper)

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