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MINUTES - April, 2015

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MINUTES - April, 2015

Apr 7, 2015

Greater Cincinnati Watercolor Society
April 1, 2015 Meeting/Program
 Wow!  After not having meetings scheduled for January or February (because the weather probably would be bad), we had to cancel our March meeting for that very reason.  So, we were fearful of what April Fool’s Day would bring – but, the sun was out, as was a large percentage of our members – anxious to renew our friendships and learning!  We did have one difficulty – our President Marilyn Bishop was not able to be there, as she was recovering from a procedure on her foot.  Our past president, Deb Ward, graciously filled in to lead us.

A very nice crowd!
A very nice crowd!

Deb welcomed everyone, and the guests were introduced.  There was Vicki Fleming, former student of Susan Grogan, friend of Dianna Duncan;  and Judy Doyle, recently moved to our area.  Interestingly, Judy lives in the same complex as Margaret Mailley, whose Memorial Art Show surrounded the meeting room.  Judy told us that Margaret had been a very talented person in other aspects of her life besides her painting.  Other guests were Nancy Biers, former student of Rhonda Carpenter, Heidi Hanson, Libby Sharwau, who is now retired and now has time to paint, and Shirley Cooper, from the Eastgate area.  We appreciate their visit and hope they will join the group.

We discussed “Staying to Paint”.  Everyone is invited to stay after our meetings, enjoy a light lunch, and the fellowship of painting with others.   If you desire, you may ask the others for some pointers, or ideas, etc., or give some; stay for a little while, or a little longer.
Sally Wester gave the Treasurer’s Report.  We have sufficient money to cover the Expenses for the year, and to keep some in our Reserve.  Some of the money is used for subsidizing members’ participation in workshops or other events, thereby keeping the prices reasonable.

Deb gave the Membership Report -  Our number is down about 10 from last year right now.  This may be because some people forgot to bring their checks to the meeting.  Also, we hope that today’s guests will join and enjoy all the benefits of membership.

Dianna Duncan gave a report on the Sue Archer Workshop – There is one spot left, and you may put your name on a waiting list.  Dianna has moved, so if you want to send anything to her, call her first.   Sue is a well-known and acclaimed artist, and everyone who attends will learn a great deal.  Dianna asked members who are not attending the workshop to please give her some assistance in making it all run smoothly.  It would be most appreciated.

Carol McAfee gave a report on our Annual Exhibit - It will be at the “Barn” from August 5 – 25, and Carol will need quite a few volunteers to do a little something each, to have a successful Exhibit.  If you are willing to help in any way, please let Carol know.  More info later.  Our August meeting will be at the Barn, which will be convenient for drop-off, etc.

The Lockland High School Art classes are asking for donations of art supplies.

Joan Ammerman discussed the club’s DVD collection and new entries.  All are welcome to borrow a DVD for a month.  Be sure to check it out, and check it back in.

Dot Burdin is working on our Young Artist Award project for May.  More info later.

Joan O’Leary gave us the rundown on coming attractions for our GCWS meetings –
In May, Mark Willenbrink will have a program – Creating Depth in Artwork;  June will be a program on Boost Your Sales with Innovative Ideas;  July brings the Winsor Newton representative Nick on Watercolor Markers; and in August, a member, Jean Vance.

Then, Joan introduced Rosemary Butterbaugh, our presenter of Monotype as a New Challenge.  Rosemary told us that she just might be the right program for April Fools Day!  She claimed to be an artist for 101 years, and enjoys working in Monotype, which is fine art that is pressed into the paper instead of being painted on.  We enjoyed Rosemary’s unique sense of humor, and the examples of her artwork.  (Below is a visual of Rosemary's technique).

Deb Ward then did a couple of Critiques.  All members may bring in an unframed painting for ideas and suggestions during Critique time.

Submitted by Joyce Grothaus, Secretary, GCWS,  April, 2015
Photos by Deb Ward

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