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May 19, 2015

President Marilyn Bishop called the meeting to order.  Since our Secretary, Joyce, was absent, Carol Fencl kindly offered to take the minutes.

Marilyn asked for someone to volunteer to be a coffee backup person for the rare times when Joan Miley is absent.

Sally Wester gave the Treasurer’s report. 

Membership Chair Deb Ward reported that we now have 83 paid members.  She also distributed membership books to members who were present.

Watercolor Workshop:  Dianna Duncan reported that our sponsored workshop with artist Sue Archer to be held May 29-31 has a full group.  She asked for people to serve as helpers for the workshop.  This was opened to people not attending, but who could volunteer time and sit in on some of the sessions. 

Carol McAfee reported on our Annual Exhibit to be held this summer at The Barn in Mariemont.  The dates will be August 8-25.  The reception will be on Sunday afternoon, August 9.  She asked for sitters for the three weekends of the show.  Exhibitors are asked to bring their pictures to the August meeting (August 5) which will be held at The Barn instead of our usual location.

Supplies for the Lockland High School to be given to the art teacher will be collected at the end of today’s meeting by Margie Carleton.  With the cutbacks in school budgets, members were asked to contribute supplies.

DVDs for the GCWS lending library were on the table in the back.

Joan O’Leary announced the following programs:
June – Litsa Spanos on boosting your sales with innovative marketing ideas.
July – representative from Winsor Newton, with samples for those attending
August (at The Barn) – Jean Vance, GCWS member – things you want to know (tips)

Program presentation by Mark Willenbrink speaking on creating depth in art work. 

Mark Willenbrink
Mark Willenbrink

Mark focused on three ways to create depth in art:
Linear perspective
Atmospheric (aerial) perspective (values)
Use of color – with warm and cool colors
Marks’ website is:
He critiqued artwork brought in by members following his presentation.

Mark showed us some of his paintings during his program - as follows:

Dot Burdin presented Hannah and Taylor with their awards certificates and checks, then each showed some of the work from their portfolios (below)
Dot Burdin presented Hannah and Taylor with their awards certificates and checks, then each showed some of the work from their portfolios (below)

Young Adult Financial Awards were presented by Dot Burdin at the conclusion of the program.  Each of the two persons chosen shared some of their portfolio work.  The two who were selected from the Art Academy to be awarded a check for $500 each to further their art careers were:  Hannah Parker and Taylor Wellman.

Respectfully submitted, Carol Fencl, Secretary Pro Tem
Photos by Deb Ward

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