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Apr 19, 2013

Minutes from April 3 Meeting
Deb gave a warm welcome to everyone since last month meeting was canceled due to the winter weather.

The first order of business was to remind everyone that membership dues are due. They are $45 and  Deb would like everyone to fill out the membership information form that she sent by mail and email.

We had two new people join the club: Linda Henke and Nancy Beers. Both are students of  Rhonda Carpenter.

Marilyn Bishop sent a message through Deb that we have several DVD’s missing from our Library. It’s important that when signing these out  that you list your name and phone number along with the title of the DVD. The DVD should only be signed out for a month.

There have been some problems with emails that are being sent to certain addresses ( fuse net, zoom town, cinci rr). This is due to someone hacking into to these email addresses.  Rhonda said they might appear in your spam folder since they are trying to do a better job of screening mail through  these accounts.

Joan O’Leary announced that the Art Academy  had selected a talented young man who is a freshman  for the scholarship. He will attend our May meeting to accept the award.

Christopher Leeper’s workshop is this weekend from 10 to 4 April 5,6, &7. There is still room if anyone is interested in join the group. Let Rhonda know after the meeting.

Feature Artist:
Joyce Grothaus is the feature artist this month. Deb would still like more people to volunteer to do this.

State of GCWS:
Deb’s goals for the club are to create an environment of companionship and camaraderie . She would like to have more interest from the members for volunteering for jobs and more interest in the Blog. Some of her goals for the club are to continue to have workshops and to have more members stay after the meeting for the paint sessions. The club’s accomplishments are having 2 workshops, purchasing a projector  and having high quality programs.

Deb also listed projects and the expenses that we have incurred:
KHAC art show  - $8.
Evergreen show - $375
Workshop - $321
Programs - $1180
After meeting painting Session -$40 per month

Deb also thanked the core group of members that continue to show up at the meetings .

Treasurer Report:
Most of our income this month was from membership dues and the workshop. We also made a donation of $50 to Hospice for Mary Marxen.

The women’s Art club show opens  April 5 & 6 from 1-4 pm. Awards are presented April 7,  1-4 pm. There are several members that made it into this show.

Southwest Indiana Art Guild  show opens Saturday April 6 from 5 -8 pm.

Deb was accepted into to the Georgia Watercolor Show. She is also starting beginning watercolor classes in her home on Monday evenings from 6 - 8 starting April 8.

Larry Sparks announced a call for artists for the Springfield Twp. Show the first weekend in May.

Diana Marra announced that she has a show opening in Wyoming at Bilog Bistro April 9 - May 5.

We will have 2 shows this year. The first show will be a juried show at the Barn in June and the second show will be at Evergreen in Oct. You may enter 2 paintings for $10. We need volunteers to help hang the show, to type up title cards and programs, and also for refreshments for the reception.

Minutes by Kathy Kuyper

Roger Ross a member of the club presented the program on “ What you should know about watercolor paints”. 

Roger gave us a lot of information on paints:  what there made of, how they are made, color sources, and much more. I will try to give you a brief report on the program but there was so much information that it is difficult to cover it all.

He said paints are made of pigment, a binder, and a filler. The filler gives the paints the buttery substance. It’s important to look at the pigment numbers to know if it is a good paint.. You will find the pigment numbers on the tube such as PR83 for Alizarin Crimson.  There will also be a number for color fastness.  These numbers are roman numeral starting with I -V.  The best pigments are the ones with a color fastness of  I or II.

Pigment colors come from several sources.
Earth - raw sienna, (heated it becomes burnt sienna)
Vegetable dye - rose madder
Powder mineral - Lapis blue
Man made color - Prussian blue

Roger went through each color giving us the history of the pigments, color fastness, and how it has changed over the years. Even now they are finding that some of the pigments such as cadmiums are potentially dangerous.

One of the paints he recommended was Daniel Smith for overall quality.

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