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Nov 12, 2014

Our November meeting had quite a few members in attendance.  And many of those members brought in unframed B+ paintings to participate in the Program.  

President Marilyn Bishop called the meeting to order. We had three guests, Barb, India, and Marjorie. 

Deb Ward, Membership, gave a report.  We now have 89 members.

Sally Wester gave the Treasurer’s Report.  We are in good financial shape.  Members who would like to know the details are welcome to talk to Sally.

Dianna Duncan gave a report on the GCWS Workshop with Sue Archer to be held next May.  It is almost full.  There can be 20 participants, and 18 are signed up.  Dianna will also have a “Waiting List” available, in case someone has to drop out before May.  For those who have paid just a deposit – final payment will be due March 1, 2015.

Dot Burdin has agreed to chair the GCWS Scholarship Program.  We will have two scholarships to give, a $500 one from GCWS, and a $500 one from the Mary Marxen Fund.  The Art Academy will pick two deserving students for us, and the presentations will be made in May.

Announcements were made.  Diana Marra told of a workshop with a few openings in Evendale.  Larry Sparks is a Featured Artist in the Cincinnati Art Club where there will be an Associates show the next two weeks.  Susan Grogan told of a Fall Exhibit of the Queen City Art Club at the Essex Studios, on Dec. 5 & 6, from 6-10 p.m.  This is in Walnut Hills.  Shirley Knollman told of a display at the Arlington Memorial Cemetery.

The GCWS December “meeting”  (really a Party!!!)  will be on our regular day, Dec. 3.  We will have a similar program to last year - - with a “get to know you” game, prizes, and food.  We will also have a “Tag” sale; that is, members may bring in their unneeded art supplies, such as books, brushes, paints, etc. with a “gentle” price on them, to sell.  A new Adventure for this year is a “Creative” sale; that is, members may bring in small items that they have “created”, such as bookmarks, cards, etc., with a price on them, to sell.   If you bring something to sell, bring in an envelope with your name on it, to place with your items, for payment.  The Leadership Team will provide the beverages for the Party.  Each member is asked to bring in something to eat – from a bag of chips – to your “specialty”; all will probably be devoured.

We will have no meetings in January or February – we learned our lesson last year when weather made us cancel those meetings.  So, we will see everyone in March.

Joan O’Leary, Program Coordinator gave us some advance notice of the great things we will be doing next year.  In March, Rhonda Carpenter will give a program on Gouache Resistance; sounds like great fun.  In April, we will have Tina Tamarro;  in May, Mark Willenbrink; and in June we will have Litsa Spanos, an Art Marketing Expert, discuss marketing and sales.  It sounds like a great lineup.

Submitted by Joyce Grothaus, Secretary GCWS, November 2014

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