For the second time, Christopher Leeper, award winning Ohio artist and past President of the Ohio Watercolor Society, came to Cincinnati to give a 3-day landscape workshop to the Greater Cincinnati Watercolor Society members - April 5, 6, and 7, 2013.
Chris is a wonderful artist and a great teacher, sharing a lot of information in a fun and energizing way.

Those who were in the workshop learned how Chris paints his day landscapes and his night landscapes.
Daytime landscape demo in progress:
Nighttime landscape demo in progression:
Chris discussed and reiterated several things to help make us all better painters:
1) Don't use tube greens by themselves. Even if you have tube greens, mix something else in there to give you something different and think about your warms and cools when it comes to colors.
2) Check your values and put in your darkest darks early so you have a guideline of how dark you should go and how your medium values hold up when those darks are in the painting.
3) Put down some warm colors as an underpainting because you can always make a warm cooler (can't always make a cool warmer without getting muddy color).
4) When you do a value study, just use your regular pigments but grey them down a bit - that way you get to paint instead of doing black and white value studies with pencil or marker.
5) Don't be so afraid of painting darks!
Photos and text submitted by Rhonda Carpenter, Program Chair